Chapter 1/ Another day, Another Victim/(unedited)

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I give credit whoever made that pic! (I found it searching google images c:)
It fits Kenny's personality in this story so thank you anonymous!
Sorry that I'm not good at chapter stories hehe~
Kenny is my favorite so I show it by making my first chapter story out of him! I can make one-shots so give me suggestions if you want! Thanks and enjoy!~♡

PG -13 Swearing
Disclaimer: I don't own South Park or Kenny, just the plot. Credit to the artist for the picture above.
Word count:1288


Your POV

I had a very great morning today! No drama, no bullies, no--


On second thought....

"Kenny you bastard we are through!" The girl with nine inch heels stomped passed me in the hallways screaming. I sighed and slammed my locker very loudly out of annoyance. Nobody cared to notice since the sound was drowned out by the many students gossiping about the scene that unfolded in the halls.

I saw her clique huddled up around her assuming it was the girl's gang that was comforting her. I over heared the very 'encouraging' statements from the group.

"Girl. Don't worry. He was not worth it!" one said.

"He's out of your league anyways!" another said.

"You know Clyde was talking about you the other day," the third one blabbered on.

The noise faded as they went futher down the halls.

"Damn dude, that was the 6th one this month."

I snapped my head to the mastermind of the scene. Oh and behold, the famous Kenny McCormick. I felt venom just saying his name. He just shrugged off the person's remark as if it was nothing. Looking unaffected by fact that he got slapped. By the looks of it, it really hurt. A red hand print was visible on his cheek. Mccormick was a few feet away as well and I can see it.

I overheard him say, "mhfh mhf mfh mph mphf nfht mfgh." (She was just a one night stand.)

Ah, the muffled voice he has. Stupid. If you want somebody to know what the heck you need, then say it in a clear voice.

That's what every girl was head over heels for. It's supposedly what makes him cute. I can't lie about that one. It does give a more sweet side that covers up his nasty acts. Except the fact he sleeps with every girl and they said he's master in bed. Wait what? Ughhh.. (y/n)! Don't let it get over your head! I mentally told myself.

Without knowing , I was actually staring at the man whore himself. He spotted me and winked at my direction. 'Oh good!' I thought sarcastically. He started walking to my direction.
I'm starting to think the world is officially hating me.

Said boy walked pass the crowded halls and waved at girls that giggled at him as they blushed and squealed. Seriously people are too gullible these days. Before I could make my escape he caught up to me.

"'Mfhmfh! (y/n)!" muffled Kenny said.

"Huh?" I said still not used to the muffled voice.

He then pulled the bottom of his orange paraka and said, " What's up?" with a smooth tone.

"Well my day was going fine until you showed up!" I rolled my eyes and put up my best angry look.

"Really? Well I saw you staring at me," he said as if I was hiding something.

"Oh yeah. Sorry I was thinking." I rolled my (e/c) eyes again.

"Yeah I can tell," he chuckled, "I bet you were thinking of me by the looks of it~" he started wiggling his eyebrows. He slowly stepped closer to me.

I Can't Hate You (Kenny McCormick x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now