Chapter 1 (rewritten)

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"A deep breath and a leap forward..." Ju Gyeong repeated to herself, thinking about what those bullies did to her just because she was ugly, their parents always said that too, she didn't take after her nice father... but after her not so beautiful mother.

"Happy birthday Jeong Se Yeon, 18th, rest in peace" was displayed on a large screen on a building in front of the rooftop where Ju Gyeong was standing.

"What a shame... such a young guy..." she remarked, thinking about that poor guy, he would have turned 18 if he just had not received all those toxic comments... they hated him during his lifetime almost as much as they pretend to love him now.

Ju Gyeong mediated on her condition, she stepped back, she knew that she had to go back home and ignore the bullies and move on. A strong hand grabbed her forearm, pulling her.

She fell onto the floor, wait... it was way too soft to be the floor...

"Get off idiot..." a guy remarked while pushing her away from his body.

"My glasses... where are my glasses? I can't see anything... what happened?" she said confused

The tall guy remained silent, he was walking away when he changed his mind, he turned back at her, he then took her glasses from the floor and came closer to her.

"Here..." he said as he passed it.

"Thank you..." Ju Gyeong replied putting her glasses on.

She thanked him several times but her rescuer didn't seem to care at all. He was staring at the screen of the opposite building, sighing and shaking his head.

"So silly... you don't even thought about how many people would have suffered if you... how selfish can you be?" the guy remarked without looking at her.

"But... how could I..."

"if you're brave enough to kill yourself you can manage to face your problems as well!" the guy shouted, still staring at the screen.

Ju Gyeong nodded and looked away, sure that the tall guy was avoiding her sight just because of how pathetic she seemed.

The girl reached the door that led to the stairwell. She opened it and hesitated, Ju Gyeong turned back at the young man and with a sad smile she added:

"I don't think that he wanted other people to suffer..." she noticed that the guy completely ignored her statement so she just left the building.

She was walking quite calmly, still thinking about what just happened, then she remembered a little yet fatal detail...

"Oh God... I have to hurry!" she said as she started running, she remembered the message she left as her mother didn't pick up the phone before she tried to commit suicide. She had to go home before her mum could possibly listen to it.

"Don't think about it... we will find a way to solve this... it isn't that terrible..." her older sister said to her mother. Ju Gyeong ran to the living room, finding her mother crying on the sofa, between her daughter and her son.

"Mom! I'm home! Don't worry! I will never do something like this again! I swear!" Ju Gyeong shouted

"Don't you see that she's desperate!" her sister hissed

"I didn't want to do it... it is just because I took after you! Why did it have to end up like this?!" Ju Gyeong stated, ignoring what her older sister was saying.

"What? You ungrateful kid... you dare to call me ugly!? Take her away before I kill her, I managed to stay calm with your father but I can't stand it for long!" her mother yelled.

Ju Gyeong's brother took his sister to her bedroom

"Don't you see that it isn't the right moment? Dad lost a lot of money, what did you think that mum was talking about?" her brother explained

As he was gone, Ju Gyeong thought about it and laughed, she was so happy that she wasn't suffering because of her...

That same night, her mother and her older sister talked a lot about what they had to do. They had to move to their old house, so Ju Gyeong and her brother had to move to another high school, the Saebom High School...

In tthe middle of the night her sister noticed that there was a left message on her mother's answering machine, so she listened to Ju Gyeong ì's confession before her suicide attempt.

The next morning, as she woke up, Ju Gyeong found a message from her sister, who was already out at work.

Telling that you're beautiful the way you are is useless, here is a make up tutorial, follow the steps carefully and practice, you have the whole weekend to do it, good luck. 

True beauty: Secret and Extortion (Seojun X Suho, Suseo BL) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now