Chapter 22

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"Tsk... are you really that pathetic SuHo? I'm sure you can do better than that..." SeoJun remarked. JuGyeong ran to the guy who was now laying on the floor. She looked at SeoJun who slowly realized what was actually going on.

"Come on... you can stop it now... it isn't funny..." SeoJun said shaking SuHo's arm. He was fully aware that SuHo was unconscious in front of him, he just didn't want to believe it, it was way better to think that it was all just an act... but you cannot believe whatever you want when facts smack your cheeks.

SeoJun shook SuHo repeatedly, he leaned closer to feel if the guy was still breathing and he was... so SeoJun sighed in relief. He looked at JuGyeong's brother, the guy immediately came to him.

"What should we do?" JuGyeong's brother asked

"Let's put him on the couch" SeoJun responded. Shock and fear were invading SeoJun's body, he felt like he couldn't move... his hands were trembling, his shoulder shivering and lips murmuring nonsense words. JuGyeong, who was already taking care of SuHo while sitting on a chair near the couch, stood up and place her hands on SeoJun's shoulders, she looked at him and with a calm voice she said:

"SeoJun, why don't you go to the bathroom and get some fresh water to calm down a little? I will take care of him... don't worry"

Her words weren't able to tranquilize him, he looked at SuHo's closed eyes once again and ran to the bathroom as the girl suggested. He washed his face and looked at his reflection in the mirror

"What have I done?... Why did you do that SuHo... why did you..." SeoJun's knees shook until he collapsed onto the cold floor of the bathroom. He covered his eyes as he started crying.

Several minutes passed and SeoJun didn't find the courage to stand up and go to that living room where his friend was resting. After a while JuGyeong went to the bathroom and knocked. She didn't hear a sound, she slowly opened the door and found the guy sitting in a corner hugging his knees.

"SeoJun... SuHo is awake... I don't know if you two want to talk or not but... I thought you wanted to know if he was alright or not..." JuGyeong stated, SeoJun didn't reply, the girl turned to leave but before she could close the door SeoJun murmured: "Thank you..."

SuHo's father was still in his office, he was about to close his laptop and go home when a new email suddenly arrived... he opened it and saw the video of SeYeon's death. He got a message as well:

"I hope you like my gift... tomorrow, someone will decide if I should spread this video or if it is better to keep it for me... it is time to pray for you mr Lee... don't worry... there is still something you can do... the person that has to choose is one of your son's enemy.... if you find him then you can convince him... perhaps..."

His son was once again about to ruin his reputation as a perfect man... 

True beauty: Secret and Extortion (Seojun X Suho, Suseo BL) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now