Chapter 4

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"So, what are you doing here?" Suho asked again. Ju Gyeong looked at him, she combed her hair with her hand and after a deep breath she looked back up at him.

"I can explain" she started

"The floor is yours" Suho stated as he crossed his arms over his chest

"Yeah right... ummm ... I didn't think that you would have let me explain..."

"I'm not surprised" Suho remarked

"Yeah... how can I say it... well, you remember the letter..." she started

"This letter? The letter that you read without my permission?" Suho interrupted her

"Exactly... you said that I was focusing on the wrong side of the letter... so I wanted to investigate... but I surely didn't expect to discover that you were such a sweetheart" Ju Gyeong responded

Suho looked at her perplexed and a little worried as well.

"So?" he said

"Well, I still don't get what was so special in that letter.. but." Suho sighed in relief as Ju Gyeong continued

"... I would have never imagined that you would just come here and help that guy like you did... with that kind behaviour too... that was the most shocking part" Ju Gyeong finished.

He was about to leave but then the girl thought out loud again

"Unless you're just a misogynist... that would explain your terrible attitude when there are girls around you..." she claimed, SuHo stopped, disappointed by her statement.

"Enough is enough, just because I'm rude to those girls doesn't mean I hate your gender. It is their fault! They just come to me, saying that they love me, oh yes I'm good looking and smart as well but it doesn't mean that I want to be the trophy of a frivolous girl, is it clear?" SuHo exclaimed

Ju Gyeong was speechless, she looked at the floor and nodded

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have assumed anything... I apologize..." the girl said

"It doesn't matter anymore... just promise to remain silent and to ignore our conversation"

"I will... but I want something in return" Ju Gyeong replied

"What do you want?" he asked, giving up

"I know that you will never tell me your secret... but if you give me five seconds to look at that side of the message... I promise that I won't bother you anymore"

Suho rolled his eyes and sighed, he gave her the letter so that she could examine it, five seconds passed and so he took the letter, putting it back into his pocket.

"Did you get it?" Suho asked, sure that she got it

"I don't know... there was just the name...wait... based on the way that person wrote the letter I suppose that you don't know each other... but you said that I have to focus on the name... can I ask you just one thing?" Ju Gyeong said

"You promise that you will disappear from my life?"


"Fine... but I will decide if I want to answer or not"

"Ok... do you know that person?"

"No, I don't"

"Ok, so there is no relationship between you two... the only special thing is that it is... holy sh..." she shouted, Suho covered her mouth with his hand

"If you say it I'm going to kill you, clear? And it will be painful"

Ju Gyeong nodded, Suho let her go, she kept walking away thinking about her incredible discovery, the detail that she missed for so much time but that was just in front of her.

"So... it wasn't special because that person didn't want to date him... it was special because it was written by a guy!"

"Ju Gyeong are you ok?"

"Huh?" the girl said as she found Soo Ah standing next to her

"You said something about a guy... what is it?" Soo Ah asked

"Umm... nothing, I accidentally entered the boys' restroom and a guy stared at me"

"Oh... weird..."

True beauty: Secret and Extortion (Seojun X Suho, Suseo BL) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now