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Lonnie: Audrey I know how you can make your next relationship last 😁
(Sent at 1:22 p.m.)

Audrey: Really? How?
(Sent at 1:24 p.m.)

Lonnie: Don't make decisions when your angry, and don't make promises when you're happy.
(Sent at 1:25 p.m.)

Audrey: Omg that makes so much sense! Have I ever told you why we're still best friends?
(Sent at 1:26 p.m.)

Lonnie: Probably because of my great advice?
(Sent at 1:26 p.m.)

Audrey: I was going to say because you know too much, but that also works.
(Sent at 1:27 p.m.)

Gil: Oh oh I have some advice too.
(Sent at 1:27 p.m.)

Gil: Give 100% in everything you do👍
(Sent at 1:27 p.m.)

Gil: Unless you're donating blood of course XD
(Sent at 1:28 p.m.)

Lonnie: Gil??
(Sent at 1:28 p.m.)

Audrey: GIL!?!
(Sent at 1:28 p.m.)

Gil: Which reminds me- Audrey meet me in my private chat in two minutes
(Sent at 1:29 p.m.)

[ "Gil" has left the chat ]

Audrey: What just . . .?
(Sent at 1:31 p.m.)

Lonnie: Ooooooooohh😄😚😋
(Sent at 1:32 p.m.)

Audrey: Shut Up!!
(Sent at 1:32 p.m.)

[ "Audrey" has left the chat ]

Lonnie: Now let's see if she can use my advice...
(Sent at 1:33 p.m.)

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