We Are Even

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Audrey: Don't u just hate those late night text messages when u confess everything?
(Sent at 11:36 p.m.)

Gil: Umm, your texting me at night, so I'm a little concerned...
(Sent at 11:37 p.m.)

Audrey: Just answer the question
(Sent at 11:37 p.m.)

Gil: No, because unlike you, I actually get sleep :)
(Sent at 11:39 p.m.)

Audrey: That's so not true! Last week you stayed awake till two at the morning just to see your phone change from 1:59 to 1:00
(Sent at 11:39 p.m.)

Gil: Yeah but u stay up till two at the morning to text
(Sent at 11:40 p.m.)

Audrey: True, let's call this even
(Sent at 11:41 p.m.)

Gil: Deal
(Sent at 11:41 p.m.)

Audrey: It wasn't a choice either way.
(Sent at 11:43 p.m.)

Gil: Just get some sleep, goodnight.
(Sent at 11:43 p.m.)

Audrey: Night
(Sent at 11:43 p.m.)

~Text Messages the Next Morning~

Audrey: Gil, I just realized something...
(Sent at 9:14 a.m.)

Gil: That I was right about you not getting enough sleep?
(Sent at 9:17 a.m.)

Audrey: Not even close
(Sent at 9:17 a.m.)

Gil: Then what is it?
(Sent at 9:18 a.m.)

Audrey: We both confessed everything about each other last night 😱
(Sent at 9:18 a.m.)

Gil: XD
(Sent at 9:19 a.m.)

Gil: You probably spent all night rereading our texts, lol.
(Sent at 9:20 a.m.)

Audrey: I would be lying if I said no...
(Sent at 9:20 a.m.)

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