But . . . . .

455 14 13

Audrey: I'm at the party already. Where r u?
(Sent at 7:27 p.m.)

Gil: What party r u talking about?
(Sent at 7:27 p.m.)

Audrey: Umm Jay's birthday party? Remember?
(Sent at 7:28 p.m.)

Gil: But I thought we were going to Auradon Bay. You were gonna show me that coffee shop called Fartbucks.
(Sent at 7:29 p.m.)

Audrey: First of all, it's called Starbucks. Second, I made that promise before Jay invited me.
(Sent at 7:31 p.m.)

Gil: Jay invited you??
(Sent at 7:31 p.m.)

Audrey: He invited all of us Gil. Is that a problem?
(Sent at 7:32 p.m.)

Gil: It's just that I have something to tell you...
(Not Delivered~~Connection Error)

Gil: Nevermind. It seems like the party seems more important than our plans.
(Sent at 7:34 p.m.)

Audrey: Well sorry if u feel that way but I'm busy
(Sent at 7:34 p.m.)

Gil: Fine then. Have fun with Jay and your friends.
(Sent at 7:34 p.m.)

Audrey: Fine with me. Bye
(Sent at 7:35 p.m.)

Gil: ( "Gil"  is typing )

[ "Audrey" has left the chat ]

Gil: ...Bye Audrey😔💔
(Sent at 7:36 p.m.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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