Poop Emoji

595 29 10

Jane: Sorry about earlier mom. Do u want chocolate chips on your cookies?
(Sent at 4:13 p.m.)

Fairy Godmother: Yes yes yes 💩💩💩
(Sent at 4:16 p.m.)

Jane: Mom those are poop not chocolate chips
(Sent at 4:17 p.m.)

Fairy Godmother: I forgot! Why does the poop emoji have such a cute face.
(Sent at 4:17 p.m.)

Gil: I thought they were chocolate ice cream
(Sent at 4:18 p.m.)

Jane: Gil??? What r u doing here?
(Sent at 4:19 p.m.)

[ "Gil" has left the chat ]

Fairy Godmother: Who was that?
(Sent at 4:21 p.m.)

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