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They stopped at Rita's and purchased supplies. Rita's was an old supermarket in Klein Windhoek that was believed to have been owned by the Germans.

"Take water, order a portion of chips and a Russian, and pick up fresh bread, bananas, some, fresh bread, milk, and cereal; you'll need that for the road and for breakfast. Also, get your grandmother some candy."

Deborah hurried through the store, grabbing everything she needed, then stopped next to her mother, who had taken a small purse out of her bralette. On the other side of the counter, an elderly white man was standing.

"Take this money and pay for those things; make haste!"

"Good day, sir. Deborah smiled at the old man. She'd hoped he'd greet her back joyfully; at least that would distract her from her mother's temperance.

"That will be N$267.05 cents."

The old man didn't lift his head once. It was almost like we were being taxed for being on land that belonged to us. It was as if... She didn't deserve to be greeted for having colored pigmentation. Maybe they could see through her veins that she had brought shame to my family. Deborah thought to herself as she handed the loose change to the man.

"'He didn't even look up, mama.''

What do I tell you? White people and your father are all the same thing, cowards!', That's what they are.''

''How'd Pops get into this, ma?''

''Let's go!" You have to be on that bus before 9 a.m. so you can arrive home before dawn. Make haste, Debbie.''

"Greetings, sir. I'm grateful, sir." Though he continued to ignore her, she hoped he still had some remaining humility. He raised his head when she finally turned and left. He didn't belong around people like us. We take on an exotic appearance as we become darker in color. We must continue dancing even as parts of our identity are taken from us and then sold back to us with a shady deadline.

To justify German colonialism, one might assume that we were to be displayed in zoos, circuses, theaters, colonial exhibitions, and anatomy rooms on par with animals. They referred to us as "savages."

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