16. Touch

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Once out of Ten's vision, I grabbed Kai's hand to pull him into my office. My morning started off great with Ten, but I feel this isn't a good visit with Kai. I closed the door behind him and shut my eyes to take a quick moment to breathe. I have a war brewing inside of me because I am so conflicted.

I opened my eyes and exhaled my anxious breath. He stood in front of me and our eyes connected. I felt his eyes staring deep into my soul, and I traveled into his. I made a mistake when he entered the room by being irritated by his presence. I can feel he misses me, and that's surprising.

"Stacee," I watched his eyes change from dark brown to a light hazel. Something I haven't noticed before. "Why haven't you been returning my calls? I miss you," Kai's words brushed against my brown skin, and instantly I felt a warming feeling.

Yes, I have been avoiding him, but in his presence, I realize I miss him too. The butterflies in my stomach tell me that I still want him. Even though my mind is telling me not to trust him, I can't deny that I want to know more about Jongin.

"Why haven't you been returning my calls? I miss you," Kai's words brushed against my skin, and I felt a warm feeling. I have avoided him, but face to face, I feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach. All the frustration I felt suddenly slipped away from me.

"I am sorry. I missed you too. I just needed time to process everything. I am still confused," I said.

"I know this whole thing is complicated, but I want you to meet with my good friend. He attended the party, and I know he can help you understand everything," Kai explained.

"Is he a fairy?" I asked.

"No, he's a vampire," Kai replied.

"Nah, I don't want to connect with a vampire. I want to talk to Yugyeom's ex-girlfriend," I said.

"I am not sure if I can arrange that. Let me talk to Yugyeom, and I will get back to you," he said. I wasn't satisfied with that answer. I studied his eyes and felt like he's not honest about something.

"Listen, my client is waiting for me. I can't do this right now. But, I will stop by tonight to see Yugyeom," I said.

"Listen, what you do with Taemin is your business. But, I am not the one to take orders," Kai's voice almost sounded like a growl, and it kinda turned me on. I could feel myself getting aroused by being so close to him, but right now, I have to get back to my client.

Kai reached down and grabbed my ass. Once he kissed my lips, I almost forgot that I am at work. I pulled back, and he had this sexy smirk on his face. Kai's eyes glow red, and he picks me up. In a flash, I am underneath him on my work desk. "I will be quick," Kai said, with his chain dangling over me.

"My client is waiting for me. But, I will stop by tonight because I am off tomorrow," I said. I wanted to fight the feeling of being professional and get some dick. But, I need to attend to my top client.

"Awww, I want you so bad right now," Kai kissed on my neck, and I honestly wanted his dick more than anything. But, I have already been gone too long.

"I know, but tonight you will have me. I get off at seven," I said.

"Fine," Kai said. He got off of me and without saying bye he vanished out of my office. I still have to get used to this vampire super-speed thing. He moved so fast it's like he disappeared in thin air. I sat up from my desk and walked back to the conference room. I wiped around my lips so that it wouldn't be evident that I just kissed Kai.

"Sorry about that, Ten," I said. I paused when I saw him in the jumpsuit I created for him. The thing I love about Ten is he's not afraid to challenge gender norms, and he always pushes the envelope with his clothing. I took a moment to admire him looking at himself in the mirror.

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