05 : Crazed

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Quite a few additions have been made in this version hehe. Can you spot them all? (lol)

Spam me with comments, pleaseee!!


Unlike the rest of his family, Ignatius Rookwood was not good at strategic decision-making

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Unlike the rest of his family, Ignatius Rookwood was not good at strategic decision-making. After all, if he was, he probably wouldn't have needed his rival to pull him out of a lake. If he was, he would've considered all the possible scenarios before saying "No" oh so confidently to the guy sitting behind the wheel.

Ignatius waited, with bated breaths, for Thrill's response. Surely, he would throw Ignatius out of the car now. Ignatius would then have to call his secretary to send him a car, who would surely tell his mother about it, and then he would have to explain how he crashed his car, which would result in an hour-long lecture on responsibility and random jabs at the dinner table for the rest of his life. And that was if she did not find out about Thrill saving his life. Oh god, if she came to know about that–

Wordlessly, Thrill pulled the car back onto the road and began driving towards the city.

Um... why hasn't Ignatius been kicked out yet?

Ignatius wanted to ask but decided it was better to not draw any further attention towards himself. Filing a lawsuit, and ruining the interior of Thrill's car was more than enough.


To say Ignatius was uncomfortable would be a major understatement; he was nervous, scared, curious and weirded-out all at the same time. He was fully aware of Thrill's hatred towards him. What guarantee was there that Thrill wouldn't just...

Just what? Kill him? If Thrill wanted to do that, he would've left Ignatius to drown. It wouldn't have been hard for the Hawthornes to find Thrill an alibi to clear his name. Though they acted polite and civil, it was an open secret how powerful that family was–

Oh shit! What if Thrill was taking Ignatius to some torture room at the basement of the Hawthorne Residence? No... no, no, no. Thrill wouldn't do that. Or would he?

Ignatius was so occupied in imagining torture scenes, and how to possibly get out of the said basement, he didn't realise that he was openly staring at Thrill. So when the other boy randomly glanced his way, and their eyes met, Ignatius was... terrified out of his wits!

"Staring is creepy," Thrill said, his eyes back on the road. "Didn't your mommy teach you that?"

Ignatius quickly averted his gaze. "I wasn't–"

"It's fine." Thrill shot him a curious look. "It's just not very straight of you."

It took Ignatius a while to digest his words. Did he just imply that... that Ignatius was like him? "You're disgusting."

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