23 : Scared

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"Will you stop pacing?" Caspian said through a mouthful of food

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"Will you stop pacing?" Caspian said through a mouthful of food.

Thrill continued pacing the length of Caspian's room.

"Here, have a banana." He peeled a banana and handed it out to Thrill. "Yeet your worries away. Ha ha, get it? Yeet, eat?" Thrill shot him an unamused glare so he pouted and ate the banana himself. "I get nervous when you pace!"

"What else do I do?" Thrill cried. "What am I gonna do?"

Caspian swallowed the banana, kept the plate of food aside, wiped his hands on his trousers and beckoned Thrill towards him. Thrill let out a sigh and went and sat on the floor, his back to Caspian who was sitting on the bed.

"I can't do this anymore," Thrill muttered, throwing back his head on Caspian's lap.

Caspian pushed his head away. "Stop being so dramatic." He put his hands on Thrill's shoulders and started massaging them.

"I'm not being dramatic! The situation is!"

"Yeah, well, who asked you to go fall for the guy who filed a fake lawsuit against you?"

Thrill sighed. He wasn't sure if Caspian actually knew how to give a massage, but him doing this somehow always worked in calming him down. "Dude, don't get me started on that. I... I don't even know." Dumb, pretty, straight guys with fiancés were not his type, yet look at him - falling head over heels for this annoying dork who can't seem to stay out of trouble. "He's not even my type."

"Type?" Caspian chuckled. "You don't have a type, Thrill. You have a Drayden and that's not healthy."

Thrill hated that it was true. "Cas, I... I punched him."

"I would've given anything to see the look on his face!" Caspian laughed.

Thrill hit his arm. "Not funny." He closed his eyes. "I hate myself - ow, Cas!"

Caspian squeezed his shoulder a little too hard. "Don't say that. You didn't do anything wrong. You're just the... grass getting trampled in a bull fight."

Thrill frowned. "What?"

"It's a thing, keep up. My point is, how were you supposed to know that Quinn would go behind your back and do something like this? And as for Rookwood, he was the one who randomly barged in and kissed you. He should take responsibility for his actions. All you can do is help, which you've done."

Thrill was so fucking exhausted. "You don't understand, his family is... crazy."

"Which, again, is not your fault. You legit have no fault in this entire ordeal."

"Except that I licked him that night, which essentially started the whole thing."

"Yeah. That."

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