Saturday at wembly

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It took me while to wrie this. But still not edited. This is little long.

There is a huge surprise for you inside. Read to find out🙈


Whole world was going crazy. Everybody was talking about it, youtubers were busy making videos about it, tv hosts were trying to pretend like they know all about it, some artists were afraid because it happened, they'll steal all the awards they could get, But finally directioners were freaking out. After Niall,Louis,Liam,Harry and Zayn announced about bringing back old memories in saturday at wembly, whole world's atmosphere changed. Sadness and worries flew away. It was the hottest topic of the week. Vlogs about this was the trending 1 in basically every country. Even though it washed away sadness, brought tears with it. Directioners were bailing their eyes out, Trying to reach to their idols to find answers for the burning questions they had. But nonetheless everyone was happy because it's about to happen. Even though no one still didn't know what's going on, they knew whatever was about happen would only bring happiness.

It was saturday, 7.30 a.m to be exact. Whole world was still getting up. But at wembly it was a different story. Nearly 10000 girls were infront of wembly waiting not so patiently to go inside. But the security were tough. So they were just singing one direction songs while crying with their long lost family members.

Inside the arena, there were five boys trying calm down theit damn nerves. To them it felt like they haven't done this before. But it was okay to them to feel like it. Their doing this in four years. And they could hear their lovely girls singing "Don't forget where you belong" on top of their lungs, but still their singing was melodious.

"I can't believe they are still here. After four years,They are still here. After we suddenly abounded them,they are still here. God I don't know if I can do this show without crying my heart out" Liam mumbled wiping a small tear by back of his hand.

"Me too Liam. I can barely hold my emotions. I never thought we would get a this big welcome when we talked about doing this." Niall added from where he was tucked under harry's arm. "Well baby. They still love us. Infact they will never stop loving us. And me too angel, I will never stop loving you" Harry whispered last part pressing a gentle kiss on niall's ear. And when he turned his face towards harry, one on lips too.

"What about me styles. Don't you love me forever?? " Louis asked with a fake pout, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Sadly no lou. Even though you have a great ass, you are still not my ty..owwww Niall" Niall smacked harry's head stopping him from talking about louis' butt. "What" Niall asked grinning innocently. "Don't worry boobear. I got you. I love you forever and if you want I can love more than forever" Zayn said cheekily and planted a very sloppy kiss on Louis' cheek. "Ewwww" louis groaned making everyone laugh.

Little did they know was their beloved tour dad, paul was looking at them with tear filled eyes. They've grown up a lot. All of them were able to build up a successful solo careers and now everyone in steady relationships, ready to take the next step. He always suspected Harry. He saw how cheshire lad looked at Niall with the fondest look you can ever give someone. But however they were still his childish boys. They haven't changed. Heck! the irish lad jumped into his arms when he saw him. Paul silently closed the door and went away giving boys some privacy.

It was time. It was about to happen. All the fans were now in the stadium and crying not able to contain excitement. But there were still thousands of people outside who couldn't get a pass. For them boys had put a big screen.

Suddenly countdown has begun. Tears rolling down from eyes, hearts pumping hard enough to jump outside from your chest, everyone was looking at the massive stage trying to catch a glimpse of five boys.

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