The make up date

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It was an important day for both lovers and both were nervous. As harry drove through familiar neighborhood he felt the same knots in his stomache just like the very first day he took niall out on a date. The only difference was the neighborhood he was driving through was not the niall's neighborhood. It was their neighborhood. After spending almost 8 months with Niall, he knew smaller brunette always appreciate the calming environment. So he arranged a small picnic in a reserved beach. He couldn't wait to have the love of his life in his arms again.

On the other hand Niall was so nervous about the date Harry was about to take him. Both had gone on countless dates. But this seemed special. After all the drama happened in past few weeks, They needed a new good start. After spending too much time in bathroom and closest making sure he looks exceptional even though he knew harry loved him with his too big t shirts and bed hair, he captured a picture of him and posted it on instagram. After all he needed someone's opinion about his outfit. As he was going through his instagram feed, the doorbell rang.

Niall freezed for a second. This was it. He was gonna see the love of his life almost after a month. That thought alone brought tears to his eyes. He made his way to the door slowly.

The situation on the other side of the door was not different. Harry was on urge to cry. He had missed his baby so much and he was seconds away to see the beauty.

He nearly jumped when Niall opened the door. The duo were lost in eachother's eyes for while till Niall let out a loud sob. He flew in to Harry's arms and cried on to his shoulder. Harry was not better. He held his baby as tight as possible and cried silently to niall's neck. Harry's one hand was wrapped around niall's waist while he ran his fingers through Niall's soft locks. Niall's hands were wrapped around harry's neck as They held eachother crying till both ran out of tears.

"I miss you baby."

"I miss you too haz"

"I'm sorry baby. I really am. I almost ruined us. I'm sorry" Harry breathed into Niall's neck.

"It's okay haz. Everything is alright. Just don't do it again. I can't handle being away from you anymore. I love you bear. I love you so so much." Niall mumbled into harry's chest eyes closed. He was more than happy to be back in his lovers arms again.

"No baby. Nothing can make us apart again. I love you so so much my angel. Now no more tears." Harry said while wiping Niall's tears. But he had tears in his own eyes.

"Same goes to you" Niall chuckled and wiped Harry's tears away.

"Now baby we have a date planned for us. Don't we?"

Harry took Niall's rosy hands in his and led him to his car. He opened the door for his snowflake and lightly pecked his cheeks making Niall blush crimson red.

They drove to the beach in a comfortable silence listening to the radio. Harry's hand was holding Niall's thigh and he glanced at Niall's lips time to time. He couldn't wait to taste those pink lips. Little did he know was niall was also thinking the same.

After they arrived to the beach harry led Niall to the picnic he arranged. Since Niall's favorite color was blue, He did all the decorations in blue. Just the way his baby liked.

Niall was in awe when he saw what was infront of him

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Niall was in awe when he saw what was infront of him. He never thought his date would be this much beautiful. He said nothing but crashed his lips to Harry's. Harry of course caught little off guard but immediately kissed back. They both felt like they were in heaven when their lips moving in sync. After what it felt like an hour they pulled back.

"God...I missed your pretty pink lips on mine babe. That was amazing." Harry said as he pecked Niall's lips once again.

"Me too bear. And thanks for this. This is really amazing."

"No baby. It's nothing after what I did. Now come on I made food for you. Let's eat"

As always harry's food was amazing. They ate the lunch harry made for them and for dessert harry had made a chocolate cake with strawberries on top. Just like how niall likes it.

After their lunch. They both cuddled on beach watching waves crashing to sand. Harry didn't wanna start this conversation but he knew he had to.


"Hmm" Niall lazily hummed.

"What are you gonna do about shawn? Are you gonna press charges just like liam said?"

Niall let out a deep breath before answering.

"No. I don't think so. He is..was my friend after all. I don't know what has got to him. He was such a trust worthy, understanding friend before. I was so comfortable with him. We used to hangout all the time. After the hiatus he was practically my best friend. I just can't forget about them. I really think he will come to his senses soon. And now we are together again just like we were. No grudges. So I won't be pressing charges. But I need to make it clean to the world that I didn't cheat on you. It seems like the whole world hate me right now." Niall whispered last part and let out a nervous chuckle.

"It's okay baby. It's your decision. I'm not pressuring you to do anything. But listen here you leprechaun" harry said sitting up and it made niall sit up as well since he was lying basically on top of harry.

"The whole world doesn't hate you. I know there are few toxic people. But there are also thousands of people who love you, respect you and adore you starting from me. But I'll definitely do something about hate since it's me who should get hate because of all this shawn drama."

Niall said nothing but softly kissed harry on lips. He layed his head on top of Harry's chest again and mumbled"you don't deserve hate bear. I love you"

Harry just chuckled and kissed Niall's head.


After spending good few hours on beach they both drove back home. This time harry wasn't driving niall home because they were going to their house, Their little paradise of love.

"Welcome back home babe" Niall said as opening the door for harry.

"I missed this. My house doesn't feel like our home. I barely slept without you angel." Harry breathed.

"This also didn't feel like home without you haz. And you know why?"

"Why?" harry mumbled nuzzling his face in Niall's neck.

"Because you're my home" Niall breathed locking his eyes with harry.

Harry just pinned Niall onto nearest wall and kissed Niall with all the strength he got. It was not like the other kisses they shared earlier. It was sloppy and rushed. Harry licked Niall's lips asking for entrance and niall gladly accepted. Well you can't blame him. He missed these sexy moments with his incredibly hot boyfriend. Harry nudged niall's thighs silently signaling him to jump. And that's what Niall did. Harry did let go of Niall's mouth and moved to his neck. He kissed,sucked, and bit Niall's skin creating a live bite. He wanted whole world to know that this angel in his arms is his. Only his. You see, Harry is little bit possesive when it comes to Niall.

"Make up sex?"

"Make up sex."


Here you go!!!

And I just finished this. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.❤️


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