The date

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I told you there will be story type chapters too.

So here is the first one.


And also make sure to leave some comments.

Love you❤️

Harry was biting his nails as he drove through the familiar neighborhood after 3 years. He missed their goofy rides through this neighborhood almost everyday.

But at this moment he had something important in his mind. HE IS TAKING NIALL HORAN ON A DATE, His crush for long five years. It was 'take me home' tour when harry started to have feelings for certain blonde. But he was scared to come out. So he brushed his thoughts away hoping his feelings would slowly fade away. But they wouldn't. So there he was,on his way to take his long time crush or you can 'love of his life' on the  PERFECT date his baby wanted. He was nervous but confident too. He has known Niall for 8 years. So he was pretty confident about what he had for now brunette.

Meanwhile Niall was at his house trying to fix his hair to a perfect quiff. While glancing at clock time to time. "He'll be here soon" He mumbled to himself every 3 seconds. His thoughts slowly drifted away to a certain night in their last tour.

He got mobbed really badly but his bodyguards saved him and took him back to the hotel. Since he was claustrophobic, He was freaking out while sobbing so hard. He was in verge to a panic attack when a green eyed curly brunette came into his room. He instantly cradled Blondie into his chest and whispered sweet nothings to Niall's ear till he fell asleep. Next day morning niall found himself on Harry's chest and his hands were tightly wrapped around Blondie's waist.

Niall broke his trance to the sound of his door bell. With one last check on himself, he made his way to the door and opened it to a very handsome hot man with dark red rose in his hand.

"Hey Ni, you look gorgeous" curly haired lad said as giving the flower to niall who was blushing really hard.

"Hi haz.. You look really handsome. Wanna come in?"

"No Niall. I'm fine. We gotta go. We have a quite long ride. So we better hurry up."

To that niall nodded and harry took his hand in his own and lead niall to his car.

It's been nearly 30 minutes of their ride and they both fell in to a comfortable silence. But Harry's hand was in Niall's knee drowing small circles. It didn't matter to both lads since it was their thing since they were 18.

After a quite long ride they reached to their destination "love, I want you to put this on." Harry said grinning. "A blindfold?" "Yeah..just trust me" harry said as he gently tied the blindfold.

He took Niall's surprisingly rosy hands in his and guided niall to the dinner table he arranged in the beach. When he reached  to the destination he took the blindfold off.

Niall gasped in shock when he saw what was in front of him. It was really beautiful. Nahh... It was P E R F E C T.

"Oh god haz...this is perfect." Niall said and Harry's nearly jumped in happiness. Only now he realised what niall meant last night. "You think?" Niall didn't answer his question but he lightly pecked Harry's cheek and smiled.

Next half an hour they talk about everything the missed in past three years while slowly digging into the delicious food Harry specially arranged for them. After finished their dinner they fell into the silent and looked at the sunset. Well at least one of them did. Harry was busy admiring the beauty in front of him.

His rosy chubby cheeks,vibrant blue eyes, fluffy natural brown hair,slightly short but toned body,pale soft fingers,thin pink kissable lips harry was in heaven, if you ask me. He couldn't help but he put his hands Niall's gently. He felt niall tense but shorter lad didn't dare to look at him. But yet he smiled and his cheeks were super red.

After spending another content lovely two hours they thought to head home. They went to the car hand in hand. Little did they know, they had intertwined her fingers without both lads acknowledgement.

When they reached to Niall's house, there was a one question I'm both lads mind.
"Should I kiss him or not?"

Both couldn't decide it and they were already in front of Niall's house. Couldn't think about something else, harry opened the door niall and walked with him to his door. When they reached to the door. Niall turned to face harry but both didn't know what to say. So they stared Into each others eyes but their gaze slowly went down to each others lips.

Finally Harry decided to man up and cupped Niall's cheek gently and slowly placed his lips on Niall's. No lips moving, No teeth,no tongue, eyes closed and believe me it was a blissful feeling for both of them.

Harry slowly pecked Niall's forehead and both of his cheeks where he could feel warmth because Irish lad was blushing hard.

"Good night baby!!! sleep tight!"

"Good night haz.. Sweet dreams"

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