nsfw warning for the second half of this chapter


"I feel different." Josh observes, looking down at his body as if he expects there to be some kind of drastic change to it. Of course, there isn't.

Oliver laughs, "That's because you're human now, darling. I'll bet you can't even get inside my head anymore."

Josh grins, "I haven't done that in ages! It felt like I was invading your privacy, so I stopped." He explains.

"You're sweet." Oliver replies lovingly, which only makes Josh smile more. They're in a strange situation, to be sure, but they're both happy.

The once excessively full apartment is now empty but for Josh and Oliver. Everyone else has returned to the realm of guardian angels, leaving the two men to celebrate their success in securing their own future. After they cleaned up the ashes that were all that remained of Josh's father, of course. In tribute to what a piece of shit that man had been, they flushed the ashes down the toilet.

In celebration of everything in their mess of a situation turning out alright, the two of them have cooked dinner and are currently eating it together. After spending weeks under the shadow of what they had thought to be an inescapable deadly fate, the weight of the struggle seems to have been lifted off of their shoulders. Josh can't seem to stop smiling, and Oliver looks happier than Joshua has ever seen him.

"I love you so much." Josh breathes as he stares into his boyfriend's gorgeous golden-brown eyes.

"I love you so much too." Oliver replies, leaning across the table and kissing Josh on the nose.

Josh blushes and hides his face in his hands, feeling instantly shy at the sweet and romantic gesture. He isn't all that sure how Oliver can still get him to blush and become pleasantly embarrassed, but Josh has to admit that he likes it.


"Yes, love?" Oliver asks, grinning as Josh looks up, revealing his flushed face.

"I'm so glad I met you." Josh says, meaning every word. He loves Oliver more than he could ever express, and meeting him is one of the best things that has ever happened in Josh's life.

Oliver's smile widens, "I'm glad I met you too, now help me clean up so that I can kiss you."

Josh stands up, gathering his plate and cutlery, "You can't kiss me until after we clean up?" He asks teasingly.

"I could, but I have to entice you to tidy up somehow, don't I?"

"Asshole." Josh mumbles insincerely.

"Don't sulk, help me clean up and you might get some tonight."

Josh chokes on air, accidentally setting off a coughing fit that almost causes him to drop the dishes that he is carrying. He gasps for air, his bruised neck aching as he does so. Josh closes his eyes and tries to focus on returning his breathing to normal. When he opens his eyes, he finds that Oliver is in front of him holding a glass of water. Josh accepts the glass of water and drinks it all.

"Thank you."

"Didn't realize that I have that effect on you."

"Liar." Josh retorts as he begins to wash his dishes.

Oliver laughs, "Fine, maybe I like seeing you flustered."

"And here I thought you love being told what to do."

"Sometimes. And sometimes I wanna find out if you're a screamer."

If Josh was not flustered before, he certainly is now. He's also really into this, into Oliver's extremely sexual flirting. He isn't entirely sure what to say, because now he is imagining all of the ways in which Oli might try to make him scream. Those thoughts have him getting hard, which he tries to hide as best he can.

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