Trailer 3

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Sentinel Prime: The island that we call it's original name but now we Call it site B.

Bud: and your say Starscream was gonna toast the island.

Sentinel Prime: yes.

Island is getting Blowed up

Starscream: Quintasson. Prime. Is coming.

The end is near

Hot Shot: do we even have a plan.

Sam Witwicky: Sorry we don't.

Good vs. Evil 

Bumblebee:(scams the building) Kitty and Bud are in the building the chimney is coming down.

Director of 5 Transformers films

And the director of Jurassic Park 

Sentinel prime:(fights Ultra Magnus).

Bumblebee:(fights Snowcat).

Barricade:(cashing Bud and Kitty).

Hound:(fire his guns).

Drift:(slashes Starscream).

Sideswipe:(drives off).

Menasor:(Fights defensor).

Blurr:(fights Lockdown).

Scattershot:(fights Starscream).

Coby: Prime? Is that you.

Optimus prime:(grunts) Run!

Nemesis Prime: I'm Nemesis Prime!

(Everything flashed to Black).

Transformers: Age Of Starscream 

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