Chapter 3: Starscream Dives In

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Next day

Bud: hey!(Laughing) there's the chemeleon! Hey buddy.

Apple White: yeah it's cute.

Reverb:<are you sure that the owners we'll look at the paper of missing pets>?

Lori: of course Reverb.(gets licked by a Great Dane) hey.(Laughing) get off of me.

Kitty: sorry?

Lori: no no no it's okay.

Vector Prime: Lifeguard. Tell them.

Coby: Hey Vector prime and lifeguard what's up.

Lifeguard:<we've got a problem >.

Vector Prime: yeah...Landmine,Evac,Jolt,and Blurr are missing. And now we've got a mission.

Cerise: What is it!

Ramona: really!

Courtly Jester: What is is it.

Quickmix: exactly!

Stripmine:<yeah and now we're going to have missions defense systems all of it!>

Maddie: awesome!

Raven: you're really going to save the world.

Vector Prime: yes....yes I am.

Outside of the tournament 

Runamuck(disguises himself as and atuobot): here you go.

Lori: tournament. Ugh.


Lori: Okay Six Speed,Reverb,Overhaul and Hot Shot keep an eye on other deceptions kidnapping the Atuobots.

Hot shot: actually I'm taking you to a place that has sweets.

In ever after high

Hot shot: okay you guys get ice cream cake.

Lori: Okay.

Coby: Awesome!

Bud: wait what about me?

Hot shot: of course.

When they went inside hot shot sees the car that dropped off and then it transforms.

Runamuck:(tried to kill Hot shot but got killed but wing saber).

Wing saber: sup.

Hot shot: wing saber? What are you doing here?

Wing Saber: listen after when Optimus prime died. He said "I shall stand one shall fall". And I brought my friends.

Crosswise: yeah.

Downshift: that's right!

15 minutes later 

Lori: Wait wait Longrack and Armorhide what are you saying!

Longrack: First suspect Swerve was kidnapped by Brimestone and Undermine.

Swerve(in camera): Alright lets help you....what no no!

Undermine(in camera): Undermine transformer! Brimestone transformer!

Lori: oh.

Bud: dear god.

Sideways(as an Atuobot): hello everyone...I'm sideways....I'm across the street way. Your Hot Shot.

Hot Shot: yup and why are you here.

Sideways(As an Atuobot): yup and I came here because I can watch the whole town. So see y'all....and welcome back Atuobots!

Lori:(gasp sees the Atuobot symbol changing into the desepticon symbol). Sideways.

Until Starscream came.

Starscream: Hello Atuobots!

Overhaul: No!(takes him down).

Until Starscream and overhaul are fight until more of them came.

Mudflap:(hits him) yeah I'm gonna wreck you!

Dark Scorponok:(hit him with a sting)

Buzzsaw: Finally.

When the Atuobots are coming Backstop and Snarl buzzsaw and Dark Scorponok.

Starscream: Mudflap Retreat!

Overhaul:(grabs the energon and turns into Leobreaker and create more mini cons).

Oval: What we're we.

Spiral: Yeah. 

Backtrack: what the.

Red Alert: what are you?

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