Chapter 14: Rainy fight

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(Thunder Clashing and rain falling heavy)

When there Wait for Optimus,Starscream came.

When there Wait for Optimus,Starscream came

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Bud: Evac Look.

Evac: Everyone get on board.

(Blasters activating)

Starscream:(firing his cannons). 

In the palace

Optimus Prime: I'm coming.

Megatron: Not so fast Prime.(takes out his dark energon Knight Sword).

Optimus Prime:(takes Vector Prime's Sword).

Until Optimus Prime and Megatron are having a Sword Fight in the heavy Rain.


Starscream: Give me the energon.(Shoot His Rocket and knocks down Coby).

Lori: Coby!(puts her swimsuit and dives into the water).

In the ocean

Lori:(grabs Coby).

Coby:(sees the rocket Taking off).

At the cliff

Starscream: Goodbye Atuobot.(gets Shoot by Jolt,Six Speed and Reverb)...Argh! I'll be back.(transforms into his jet form and flies off).

Jetfire: Where's Lori? And Coby?

In the palace 

Optimus Prime: Today is over Megatron!

Megatron: Ha! You think you can't will....I sent a Rocket to destroy Primus and take all the energon.

(Swords clanging).

When there fight Optimus Destroy Megatron by striking him with a sword.

Megatron: Well shouldn't be here.(gets stab by Optimus and deactivate).

(Rocket taking off)

Optimus Prime: no.

On the Rocket

Lori: We're toast...I can't do this.

Coby: come on think off the good's you destiny.

Until Lori is thinking good thoughts.

Until Lori is thinking good thoughts

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