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I've painted myself away
the parts of me that hurt the most.
If you dared to look,
you'd notice I'm everywhere
you'd notice there are different sides of me you haven't seen before.
I'm everywhere like you are to me.
With a thirst for axiom you ask:
why would you ever hide these sides of you from me?
it's because no matter what, you always leave then come back, just like the others.
As my twin flame, you should know it's a constant ripping of skin, fighting back the urge to throw up all the yellow tulips you smudged at the sides of my lips, the washing of you on me the feeling of your fingertips on my skin.
I've painted myself away
the parts of me that hurt the most.
If you dared to look,
you'd notice I've ran out of canvases.
Now I'm on the walls and you're on the doors,
we're everywhere and the smell of paint isn't strong enough to overpower ours and it's only because you and I, are meant to be.

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