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The sun kissed upon your skin,
I stood there looking in complete silence,
my love, was your skin filled with chocolate?

Having a bite could have stained my teeth.
My love, that melanin took me far away.

It took me to when you were little,
under your skin you hid a mother that was scared to go and deliver the sun,
they would have killed you and they would have done you wrong just like any other little baby that carried gold in them.

My love,
when you made it to this word and your mom whispered in your ear loud enough to lock her words deep into your soul:
"run, run as fast as you can,"
she meant it, as she ran cocoa butter down you back, with a smile on her lips,
she slowly plaited cornrows with your hair onto your scalp, she hid gold in them and then she cried, because five years later on your way to school, storms came running your way, you ran as fast as light because that's what mommy told you to do,
my dear you ran among the bushes,
you passed the streets when it was dusk and you swam an ocean of souls that never made it to land.

They caught you,
I stood there hands shaking, with my back aching my feet burning and I still stood there out of breath, my throat was in pain but I still stood there.

He held in his hand years of your life and pointed it to your own temple,
he never went there to pray he went there to change everything you knew
exactly like his grandfather did,
he manipulated you to your knees like his great great grandfather once did and he still lived in his great great grandson because he had a bloodlust for power.

I wasn't scared and I stood between his lie and the truth that I knew your shoulders carried,
that ghost looked at me merciless and pointed that lie right across my lips.

"Make my job easier by moving aside, Miss"

I stood there,
your arms wrapped across my hips
you squeezed your arms along my stomach and gripped tight taking in a deep breath,
I felt your fingertips press against my bare skin.
I felt like I was about to take the first breath of my life, like you were about to cut my umbilical cord.

Something cold as ice went at the speed of light straight across my mind and it burned but the pain quickly went away.
The pain disappeared as I looked into the skies above just to find my soul crying out for me.
I took in a deep breath, was it my last?

"Never dare run away from reality,
stay and fight back just to be human and yourself"
I wanted you to run to freedom instead.

@hvnyboo | @evaish_

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