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Sometimes there's no need for words,
because words never make the mind starve.
Watch me as I do, keep her in your arms
just like the last time you held me,
scared to break me.
Were you only hoping you wouldn't be the reason for my departure?

Once again the love in my head,
dragged me to play this piano,
writing about the love we could have been,
playing the keys I've never learnt.
That might be why doors don't open for me.
That might be the reason why I've always played songs by heart.

I need to tell this blank page about how empty I'll feel after this, I need to foreshadow my cryings.
My mind will be starving to feel andI know it will.
As a consequence, I'll hurt men that I thought could have been you.
That's the issue, nobody can ever be you.

Sometimes there are no words that can interpret this endless feeling whenever I see you,
this feeling that I drag with me back home,
like dirty shoes they leave mud all over the carpet at my front door.
Will mother notice and give me an earful?
She says it will take time for me to learn,
she told dad about how muddy it is and how she has to clean, she tells dad about how I'm not falling but just practising how to stand up.
He listens but never comes back.

@hvnyboo | @evaish_

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