Maybe someday / John Murphy

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How could one boy make you so furious and absolutely wild at the same time?

I angrily left the dropship. The parachute flew from my rushed exit.

I felt confused glances on me, but at this moment, I couldn't care less. My rage overshadowed every embarrassment.

He ruined the rest of the day for me.

His picky insults and mean comments from the side were super annoying but still bearable. That's why my brain always told me to indulge it. He had a bad childhood. And I didn't want to interrupt the peace in the camp with a fight either. But today, he crossed the line. He will regret humiliating me in front of everyone.

On the arc, I was known as the quiet, smart kid. Who no one really knew a lot about. On top of that, I preferred my own company over anybody else's. Anyway, since we went down to the ground, I had a drastic change of attitude and behavior. I always had a love for adventure and kept a clear head in stressful situations. I always had strong opinions, but I kept them to myself. Here I became a trusted and needed person. My opinions finally became valued. Since then, I also became a well-known person in camp. That was also when Murphy started being mean to me.

I burst into my tent. A mess of my cloth laid on my duvet. I pushed it away and it fell onto the floor. I crawled under my covers mainly because I was worried about letting my anger out on someone completely innocent if I would stay outside, also because I didn't get enough sleep last night. My thoughts still circled around Murphy until my mind faded into the darkness.

"Hey Y / N"

The interrupting voice echoed through my head. It took me a moment to figure out that these sounds weren't part of my dreams. I fluttered open my heavy eyelids. I tried to estimate the direction of the voice. My attempt to get up resulted in a sharp pain shooting from my neck up into my head.

With my next attempt, I got up and leaned onto my elbows. Around me was everything like I left it. At first, I couldn't make out the person standing at the entrance. The dusty rays of light shining through a hole in my tent blinded me. To get a better view of my surroundings, I sat up fully. I immediately noticed Murphy. After I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, I asked: "What do you want?" I wanted to make it sound harsh, but it didn't really come out like that due to my dry throat.

"Why are you always like that?" he said in an already irritated voice. What a way to start! My pent-up rage began to boil.

"Did you come here to continue insulting me?"

"You ... No, I actually wanted to apologize." His voice maintained loud-mouthed, even though I could see how hard it was for him to say sorry.

"Okay ... thank you."

I thought he would leave since he said all he had to say, but instead, his steps lead towards me. His glance was on me the whole time. I didn't look at him. The bed dipped. He sat next to me. Close but not too close.

"Y / N," he broke the silence.

As a response, I faced him.

"That is not the only thing I am sorry about,"I was curious."I know I have been mean to you since we talked for the first time. Bellamy talked to me. He made me realize how awful I treated you."

"So you needed Bellamy to realize that," I stated.

"No, I knew it before. Well, kind of ... To be totally honest: I heard a lot of things about you before I met you. You sounded like the girl who had everything. The perfect life. "He stopped," Everything I didn't have. I have something against those kinds of people." I was about to interrupt him, but he continued: "I know that is not an excuse. For anything. What made me even angrier was how I didn't seem to bother you at all. You always kept calm. I would never. I saw it as another arrogant gesture. "

I was so confused. I never would've guessed this reason. I would have never imagined him actually feeling bad. Maybe he was just making fun of me? Maybe it was all a joke.

"What did Bellamy say to change your mind?""He told me about your story. And he told me how much I upset you."I nodded. I didn't know how to process that.

In the most insecure voice I have heard him talk in, he asked: "Can you forgive me?"

"Maybe someday?"He lowered his head.

"It would be hard not to hate you anymore," I added.

"The same applies to not insulting you anymore," he said with a little grin. I laughed quietly.

"But I think I can manage to do that." I re-evaluated."I don't know if I can. It was hella fun."

I punched him in the chest. I caught him off the guard and he fell back into my pillows. His sudden hand on my wrist brought me down with him. With a gasp, I rested my hands on his chest.

Before I could properly find my balance, he lifted his head and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was so unexpected I didn't react at first. His soft lips moved against mine. The feelings they made me feel were indescribable. Without a second thought I eased into the kiss. I fully embraced his lips. I automatically closed my eyes. His one hand cupped my cheek and the other slowly rolled us over by my waist. He didn't break the kiss.

An "I thought you just wanted to apologize?" made us startle. A reproachful Bellamy stood at the entrance.

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