The Girl / Octavia Blake

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Set in season 6

I turned around, leaving the scene with my parents and my dear brother. I knew they wouldn't notice how I carefully backed away from the conversation that was just focused on his achievements, like always, completely ignoring mine. Not that it even hurt me anymore; you get used to this. My steps moved me further away, away from all this unfairness.

The conversation faded in the breeze, but suddenly everything was silent, no voices, nothing besides the wind. It was impossible that from one moment to the other, all the Children of Gabriel went quiet. Because this was a reason to be seriously concerned, I risked facing my family and turned on my heels to check up on my people.

All of them stood still in their place, but their eyes were all fixated on the forest. Observing something visible to them, but not yet to me, from my current spot.

"Look, a ship landed. There are people coming down," someone broke the silence by identifying the thing their attention was on.

Everyone began to move again, all of them getting ready for departure. The warriors assembled disguised in suits colored like the woods. My parents were the first ones ready. I stayed back; I knew they wouldn't take me with them even though I was old enough, trained, just like my brother. I tried to convince myself, that this is their way of protecting me, but every time they told me how I could never be a good fighter once again, it got less believable.

In seconds they were leaving. And I waited the usual three minutes to follow them, observing them from the distance to be assured once more that I would be more than capable to accompany them.

When they positioned themselves, hidden to the eyes of the people in the ship, in front of the docks, I sat down a few meters back. A pregnant one, a younger woman, and a child sat near the entrance, unaware that they were being watched. My place was a little higher, so I could overlook the scene with plants still covering me, enough to not be seen myself.

I was lost in thoughts as I stared down when suddenly the expecting woman turned and threw a knife. It all happened so quickly. How did she know? Before I could react in any way, my people responded with paralyzing darts. All three on the ships fell down. Only the panic-stricken movements of their eyes proved they were still alive.

My parents left their hiding spots, followed by the others, and discussed a topic I could not understand from afar. Most certainly how they could use these newly arrived people to our advantage, to achieve our aim: 'Death to Primes'. I leaned back, thinking about the strangers, where they might come from, what they've seen and what battles they had to fight. They must have a solid reason for coming here. Or maybe they were just intruders, another problem.

Then my family seemed to agree to withdraw. They turned already to leave when I noticed shifting between the trees. No one reacted, so I thought my eyes fooled me. Next, a loud shatter echoed through the darkening forest. I jumped up, not caring about my disguise, but I wasn't fast enough. Within the blink of an eye, a girl ran towards them, grabbing their weapons. The sound of slicing through flesh made me shudder. She took all of them down. The thud of their bodies hitting the grass, to never stand up again. My hand covered my mouth that wanted to scream all the pain out while silent tears rolled down my fingers. I stumbled back, colliding with the tree behind me, letting me slide down.

I overheard the conversation between the other people appearing after the girl; I let my emotions take over, clouding my view, overwhelm me. Only the loud sound of a starting spaceship brought my attention back to them. My lips parted as I watched them take off, leaving solely the girl dressed in tight black clothing on the ground with me, her eyes as dark as her clothing, with a flawless face framed by long brown hair.

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