What was the meaning of this? Part 2 / John Murphy

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Part 2

It took us at least a minute to realize Octavia was the one announcing the fog. With the Foghorn, she tricked the grounders, which attacked us into leaving us alone.

While Bellamy took Octavia aside for a private talk, I attempt to wipe the dust layered over my trousers off. I did not notice it getting so dirty in the heat of the moment.

I walked over to Finn, who kneeled next to Mel, tying up her injured arm like the helpful person he was. To my surprise, Murphy approached Monroe to help her as well. I walked towards them.

"How are you? Is it bad? It hit you pretty hard." I said, directed to Monroe.

"I will be fine," she stated, but her face displayed the pain she had to go through.

I nodded. I dared to look down at Murphy, who concentrated on wrapping an improvised bandage around her wounded leg. He did not bother to look up, yet the grip on the ripped fabric, functioning as a bandage, tightened. His slender hands were so tense the muscles on the back of his hand became apparent.

With a reassuring smile, I stepped back to look after Mel as well. In my turn, I finally met his eyes. For this sweeping second, he focused only on me. He looked up but had not a glimpse of submission in his gaze. I could catch interest with bits of attraction towards me in it. Or maybe it was all just a misread of signs. Nonetheless, his piercing eyes set loose all the feelings of our last encounter once again. They rushed over me even after I completed my turn. What was it about him that seemed to draw me under a spell?

Behind me, I heard Monroe hissing: "Not so tight, Murphy!"

"Sorry." was the last thing I heard him respond.

Mel seemed pretty well at her juncture. Finn did a great job taking care of her, so did Murphy because he walked towards us while upholding Monroe with his arm. Bellamy and Octavia had joined us again. They decided to bring Monroe and Mel back to Camp Jaha due to their injuries. We also had to find a way to continue searching for the missing Delinquents.

"I can go," Finn volunteered immediately.

"Count me in, too," Murphy said with a toneless voice.

Bellamy's concerned look showed that he still didn't trust him. Because of the lack of people, he had to let him. Without a word, he tossed him a gun as a silent agreement.I was about to turn on my heels when Bellamy continued speaking: "Y/N, you go along with them."

"What?" he caught me off guard. "Why? Two people are more than enough."

"We can handle two wounded girls. But Finn and Murphy can use one more searching eye. You know you are an outstanding fighter and know these wood better than both of them. Don't sell yourself short, Y/N." he winked at me and began to sally, ending the conversations without tolerating any resistance on my end.

I sigh. Then I followed Finn into the forest, walking the opposite way the others disappeared. Murphy and Finn went ahead. I wandered right behind them. None of us was in the mood to talk neither knew about what. The silence felt comforting compared to the other events of today.

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