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There was one other thing that happened in that first year I was at Shinra that had an impact on me, though not in any direct way. But it's something I've never forgotten, a memory that's stayed inside my mind all these years. Maybe what happened was just random chance, but I'm not so sure anymore. I've never been able to figure it out because it was a moment that left me with more questions than answers. And now, in this strange, dark place between life and death, I still haven't. Maybe, if I ever wake up, I'll find out someday.

Anyway, it was early fall, just over eleven months after I had begun working at Shinra. My two jobs kept me busy, but even so, I had heard rumors about troubles within SOLDIER and talk of battles going on all around the world. I didn't know much about it myself, though. I knew a little about SOLDIER, of course—they were Shinra's best fighters and were highly skilled in battle. What I didn't know back then was exactly how they got so good. I had assumed it just came from lots of training and hard work, but I had no idea how ugly the truth really was. I found out much later on, though.

I was downstairs on the third floor one day, spending what was left of my lunch hour lovingly admiring the new Hardy HD-91 motorcycle that had replaced the old HD-90 I had seen on display when I had first started working here. It looked mostly the same as the old one, but the exhaust pipes were slightly bigger and it had a more powerful engine. I think the handlebars may have been higher as well.

In my hands, I held a large binder filled with all kinds of sketches I had made for Scarlet, weapons we were designing together. It certainly wasn't easy working with her, and her criticisms were about as blunt as a nail bat. She had an unforgiving, brutal personality, and I had quickly learned to develop a thick skin around her. But I was also learning a lot by being there. I knew more about how materia formation worked and about the design specs on all of Shinra's current weapons as well as the ones we were currently developing.

I was due back in Scarlet's office for a meeting in ten minutes, and she absolutely hated it if I was late by even a few seconds. I had learned very fast how brutally she enforced punctuality in her division. A week or so after I had begun working there, I saw her walk over and slap one of the lab techs across the face just for starting his shift a minute late. I wasn't going to let that happen to me, and I didn't doubt it would if she ever saw me not coming in on time.

There was a soft flutter of movement, and I looked up from where I had been kneeling to get a better view of the bike's front wheel to see Cait sitting sideways on the leather seat, his legs swinging over the side like they often did when he was at my desk in SO. He never showed up when I was working in Scarlet's division, but I hadn't expected him to. I was sure he still had ways to keep an eye on me while I was working in there, though. I had learned over the past year that Cait excelled at not being seen and could sneak into any place in the building he wanted. It both amused me and comforted me to know he was always around if I ever needed him. And through him, Reeve.

I stood up. "Hi, Cait. What are you doing here?"

"I just came by tae say hello, Jessica," he replied. "Seems ye've been doin' well fer Scarlet so far."

"I figured you were keeping tabs on me," I smirked.

Cait chuckled. "Aye, I am. I just worry about ye, lassie. But ye seem alright enough. So ye like bikes, eh?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I hope to have one myself someday."

"That be a nice dream. I could tell ye yer fortune if ye want tae see if it's in yer future."

"Thanks," I laughed, "but I think—"

I abruptly cut myself off when I heard one of the elevators chiming behind me, and I turned around to see who would be coming out of it, more out of curiosity than anything else. The doors for the far elevator slid open, and my eyes widened to the size of dinner plates when I saw who it was. I couldn't even move, and my mouth just hung open like it had become unhinged.

Final Fantasy VII: Reflections - Book 1: DescentWhere stories live. Discover now