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"Jessica, would you come here?" Mom asked.

We were at home, just over a week after my little expedition to the security office and the Science Division. Since then, I'd hacked into the Weapons Development database from my computer in SO and planted the keylogger on Scarlet's system to snag her passwords. She was pretty good with a computer herself, but she was no match for me. I was sure she wouldn't find my little package anytime soon. I'd checked on it just yesterday, and there they were. She didn't change them often, so I knew they'd still be good by the time I was able to use them. But for now, all I could do was wait until she made another trip.

I let her pull me into her study. "Sure. What's up?"

Although I'd thought about getting my own place over the last year or so, I'd been worried about Mom and about leaving her here with my father. He had grown more restless and irritable lately, hitting her more often than he used to, and I was afraid of what might happen if she was here by herself with him. So I had decided to stay, not liking the almost constant tension that hung over the place now but not wanting to leave Mom to deal with it alone.

She closed the door and turned to me, nervous, excited, and afraid all at once. "There's something I have to tell you. Do you remember me saying I was working on a way to make things better for us?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I remember."

"Well, Jessica... we're almost there. I'm getting very close to leaving your father. It won't be much longer."

My jaw dropped. "Really? Are you serious?"

She took my hands in hers. "Yes. You see, Jessica, over the past few years, I've been gathering as much information as I can about Richard's activities at Shinra. To make sure he'll leave us alone. That's what I was doing when he caught me in his office that time. Trying to get as much leverage as I could find."

"Why has it taken so long?" I wondered.

"I had a lot of dirt on him, but nothing big enough for me to use to get us out of here. Until now."

I stared at her. "What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you," Mom shook her head. "I know you want answers, and I'll tell you everything once we're away from your father. But right now, it's safer for you not to know."

"But I want to help!" I argued. "I can help!"

She sighed. "I'm sorry. I know you're worried. But I promise it'll be fine. I've already found us a place to live, over in Sector 7. It won't be as posh as all this, I'm afraid, but it's nice enough."

"As long as we're free, Mom, we could live down in the slums and I wouldn't care," I said, hugging her tight.

"Well, I don't think it'll come to that," she laughed.

I let go of her. "Have you told him yet?"

Mom swallowed. "No. But if what I was sent last year and what I've found out since then prove what I think they do, then things are going to get very busy around here over the next few days."

"I'll be ready, Mom," I promised.

"I know. I've already got the divorce papers prepared. I just need to have the information I've obtained verified first. I'm taking the 8:00am train to Sector 7 to meet someone there to get that done. Also to check on the house and finalize the purchase. It'll be home, at least for a little while. Until we can leave Midgar, that is."

I smiled. "I can't wait to see it."

"I can't wait to show it to you," Mom replied. "But in the meantime, try not to worry. Everything's going to be fine."

Final Fantasy VII: Reflections - Book 1: DescentWhere stories live. Discover now