Emotional Roller Coaster

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Lyric POV

"Come on Londy! Daddy's here!" I call to  London who's supposed to be cleaning up, but by the loud clashing and screams coming from his room I'm almost positive he's still playing.

"Oowwwee shit, Fyre! Yell daddy like that again!" Kyst entices me as he yanks me between his legs sitting on my counter.
"Pharaoh, stop it!" I playfully call him by he and London's middle name.
"Yeah, I'm ya king, mama!" He smiles and grabs my face kissing me deeply.

"Shit Lyric!"
I pull away all dazed and stupid like. Lord, Kyst knows he's my damn kryptonite. I try sooo hard, but have zero resolve when it comes to him.

"Stop!" I try not to smile, even though my face feels like it's going to break if I don't.
"You wanna go to your room, Fyre?" He smirks.
"No boy, damn it!"

He pulls me closer and starts massaging and rubbing my ass.

"Kyst!" I moan out trying to move, but my body literally turns into a damn puddle. "Enough, enough!" I finally wrangle myself out his reach before shit goes too far.

"Damn mama, your ass is like a fuckin marshmallow in that damn jumper. Where the fuck you goin with all that on display? Cause if I'm not the one taking it off, you gotta go change."
"First of all get off my counter, second stop trying to have sex with me, and third nosey I'm going on a surprise date thing."
"First nah, second...hell nah, and third fuck nah! You trippin, Lyric!"
"Wow that was....something! Its not your choice, none of it. So get down, stop it, and get over it."
"I'm stayin up here. Fine we don't have to have sex, let me lick it. I'll lick it long and wet like you like it and you'll forget all about that dumb ass date."

The sound of that has my nipples hard as rocks and my clit throbbing  vigorously. I shift and squeeze my thighs together tightly to squelch the uncontrollable feeling between them.

"Oowwweee you like that idea mama?"
"No!" I lie horribly.
"Yes you do. Your titties are just starin at me begging for my mouth. Plus by the way you keep rubbing those beautiful chocolate legs together, I can tell my pussy misses her daddy's mouth too!" He licks his lips smirking.

I swear I'm drooling by this point and I  have to get my shit together before I fuck up and sleep with Kyst again. I told Mav I wanna try with him and only him and I meant it. And still mean it.

"Uhum, I'm gonna go check on London!" I squeak. He just laughs and shakes his head.
"I'll give you time Fyre, but I know its gonna happen again!" He hollers after me.
"No it's not, Kyst! It was a one and a half time thing!" I yell back.

"Hey pumpkin!" I open London's door fully to go check on him and his room is  a mess!
"London Pharaoh-Reece Fyre! What is going on in here little sir?" I ask with my hands on my hips.
"Umm, I pwayin?" He gives me the most adorable smile.

"Yeah Papi I see that, but daddy is ready to go and your room's a mess boo!""Otay! Otay, calm down

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"Yeah Papi I see that, but daddy is ready to go and your room's a mess boo!"
"Otay! Otay, calm down." He motions downward with his hands. "I cweanin now, otay?" He asks, raising his eyebrows like I'm annoying him! God this kid is a mess!
"OK bossy! I'm gonna go back in the living room with daddy, but you gotta hurry up before he doesn't wanna take you to your surprissssseeee!" I tease since he wants to move slower than a snail.
"Otay I be quick like Flash!" He starts moving faster.
"Yes my little superhero!" I laugh leaving his room.

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