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Lyric POV

"Killa is this damn outfit necessary?" I say in this tight ass white crop top set.

"Yes mama, he wants sexy and chocolate. That's exactly how you look." His lustful gaze makes me shift uncomfortably.  Although men have ogled my body since puberty, it's always made me uncomfortable. However, after Rowan literally took ownership of my body, any sexual attention from men literally makes my skin crawl.  Although I've messed around with Kyst a few times it was always mutually reciprocated and I initiated it, besides the kissing.

"Shit I'm sorry Lyric, I ain't mean to make you uncomfortable, you just look amazing in it." 

It means the world to me that he acknowledges his actions and apologizes.
"It's ok. Let's just get this shit done."

Entering the back doors of the apartment building I avoid the cameras that Killa and Black warned me about.  I make sure to keep my hair in my face to block any wandering eyes.  When I get to the big gold door that reads 819, I ring the doorbell.

"Well hell-fuckin-O! Damn, why haven't they sent you before?!" He licks his lips.
"I'm Chantal, I'm new to 'Nature's Cream', where would you like me to set up?" Fluttering my eyelashes seductively, I point to my table.
"Shit beautiful. Umm how about my bedroom."
It was a simple response, but the double entendre makes me stifle a gag. Don't get me wrong this little trust fund white boy is cute, but to pay for sex, EWW!! I set the table up in his bedroom and head to his bar.
"Can I fix you a drink, handsome?" Asking as I walk to his bar.
"Yeah, Scotch on the rocks, sexy!" That pet name makes me cringe.
"Ok handsome."

I make sure to exaggerate how far I need to bend over to distract him with my ass, as I slip the liquid Fentanyl into his drink.  Not only will this shit knock his ass out, but if he remembers anything and tries to press charges.  I'll claim he tried to attack me while on drugs and request a drug test.  It will come back in the drug test, which is highly illegal without a prescription. 

I also mix it with the essence of Poppy, which is found in heroin, so all in all it would be his word against mine. He will look like a drug addict that was soliciting an innocent NYU student for sex in exchange for money. Yeah ya girl's a brainiac schemer, hence why Killa and Black need me. I'm the beauty and brains and they're the brawn.

"Here you go, handsome", I take a big swig of my drink to make him comfortable since he saw me pour it from the same bottle. I watch him as he downs his whole cup.
"Go lay that sexy ass down for me!" I wink.
"Anything you say, Goddess!"He lays down and I know I have exactly 8 minutes before he's out, so I have to make it seem as normal as possible.  I walk over and straddle his ass on the table.
"Damn baby, I can feel that warm little pussy through those tight ass pants!" He groans under me.

It takes all my strength not to bash his skull in. Men can be disgusting pigs. I swallow back my venom and play along.

"Just for you baby! Do you want regular oil or extra oil?" Rolling my hips and gyrating as I ask him.
"FUCK baby! EXTRA OIL!" He breaths in a lecherous voice.

I begin massaging and putting extra pressure on his neck, cutting his air discreetly to catalyze the Fentanyl and Poppy mixture.

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