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🔞Semi Adult Content Ahead🔞

Lyric POV

 "Don't call me 'baby'. You don't mean it! You didn't mean any of the shit you told me! It was a mistake coming here! Let me go so I can let you go for real!"

I am trying to get away from him as fast as possible before I lose it. I don't want to react out of raw emotions, but more importantly I don't want him to have the satisfaction of seeing me cry over him.

"No Lyric! We're not doing this again! I'm not leaving!"
"Good, cause I am!"
"No you're not! We'll stay here all fuckin night if we have to! Baby, I'm sorry! I should have never acted like that over London. I should have known for you to hide him there had to be a logical explanation. I want to be with you, I want to meet London, I want us to be happy. I want us to have what Si and Remy have! They love each other and I know we can too mama. Please!" He begs me pulling me to his chest.

"No, it's too damaged, Maverick."
"No baby it's not! I swear. I'll do whatever I have to do to prove it!"
"It's irreparable, Maverick. We don't trust each other and without trust we have nothing."
"Lyric please! I know I'm a fuck up, but I not one when I'm with you!"

He picks me up as I fight to push him away. He cups the back of my head and slides his giant hand between my legs and brings his lips to mine. I whimper at the touch of his silky blush colored lips. I've missed them, I've missed him, his warmth, and the security he gives me of normalcy.

"Maverick, what are you doing?" I breath out dazed from our intense kiss.
"What I should have done a long ass time ago!"

He molds our mouths together again. Spreading my legs he hooks them around his waist. I lock my hands around his neck for stability. With his now free hands, he unzips my top fully and slides his hand down the back of my leggings. My breasts are pushed against his taut muscular chest, only guarded by a thin lace bralette. He pushes one of his long nimble fingers into my tight slick entrance. I gasp, closing my eyes and throwing my head back. He takes the opportunity to pull my full nubile breast out of my bralette and sucks each one of them into his delighted mouth. He sucks long and hard alternating between sucks, licks, and nibbles.

"Ahhh!" I moan as his finger slides in and out of me faster. I'm bouncing on his hand as I feel him push a second finger inside of me. "Mmm, shit!" I moan winding my hips to the motion of his fingers.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I chant loudly as he sends me orbiting into ecstasy. He hums around my engorged nipple as his tongue dances across it. He gently lays me on the desk and pulls my pants and panties down, in one swift motion. Bending down, he rapidly attaches his mouth to my pulsating clit.

His tongue and lips and engulfing my wet folds like he's eating the most ripe summer peach. I feel my wetness dripping down his chin onto my thighs. He slithers two fingers back inside of me. My moans along with my loud curses are the lyrics to the slurp filled symphony he's creating with his beautiful masterfully skilled mouth. One hand Tangled in his curls and the other rolling and pinching my nipple. I want more of him. I want all of him.

"Ahh Maverick! Please don't stop!" I scream knowing I'm seconds away before the dam breaks. He creates a suction like vacuum on my peach pit while flicking it and pumping his fingers in and out of me vigorously. My mouth and throat are dry from moaning and screaming, my heart is racing, and I'm getting light-headed.

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