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Omniscient POV

"Mama you good? Baby what's wrong?" Kyst asks her, realizing she's just standing there. Left frozen after Maverick walks away towards the party area where Bree has summoned everyone. "What that muthafucka say to you?!"

"Nothing. Just leave it alone please. It doesn't matter. Londy needs us. I'll be back I gotta run to the bathroom." She says as stoically as possible to keep from spazzing out.

"Lyric?! Lyric?!" Kyst calls after her as she jogs off to the bathroom. Once she's run into a stall Lyric absolutely throws up. All her adrenaline rushing through her and sick to her stomach at the way life is turning out for her. 

"Oh God! I can't do this! I give up, I can't do this shit anymore! Fuck him and all his insecure bullshit!" Lyric speaks aloud to herself on the verge of tears. "I'm not crying over not one more fuckin boy who wants to play with my feelings. Pull ya shit together, Lyric!" She encourages herself. After taking a couple of steadying breaths and washing off her face, she neatens up.

Tapping into the award worthy actress she learned to be while at the Mark's residence. She decides that she's shutting her heart off again and the only person deserving of her all is London Pharaoh-Recce Fyre. The one person always beside her besides Remy.

Walking out the bathroom Lyric bumps into Si.

Hey Lyrie, you good?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Umm, Si can you do me a huge favor?"

"Yeah mama. Anything. What's up?"

"I need you to just keep Maverick away from me, please."


"I know he told you what happened, so stop acting. I guess it's really messing with him cause he's sayin really hateful shit to me and I'm not dealing with that. Not today, not on my baby's birthday."

"Damn ma, I'm sorry about all'at. Yeah I'll keep an eye on him." He hugs her apologetically.

"It's whatever. I've been through worse. I just don't want my baby's day ruined, is all. "She gives a tight lipped smile and walks to the party area.

"Lyric this party is amazing! Thank you so much for inviting us and letting us bring Tally's siblings!" The mother of one of London's classmates tells her.

"Oh you're more than welcome. I'm glad they're all having a great time. I know I am! This place is awesome!" She replies before sitting next to London.

"Hey Papi! You having a good time?!"

"Oh my gooness! Mommy this the bestest burfday EVER! Thank you soos much!" He hugs and kisses her .

"You're welcome my perfect baby! You gotta tell daddy thank you too, ok?"

Nodding he calls Kyst, "DADDY! A'MERE!" He hollers for Kyst.

Laughing and walking over to the pair, Kyst sits next to London, so that London's between he and Lyric.

Thank you for the bestest burfday EVER!" He laughs wildly, probably hyped up off the adrenaline.

"Of course, Londy. You know I love you right?!" He smiles and kisses his forehead.

"I loves you too daddy!"

"Aww! Please let me take a picture! I barely have any pictures of the 3 of you together lately!" Mama Amina asks excitedly.

"Mooommy!" Lyric whines. "Really?!"

"Yes, Lyrie, please?! Just one of all 3 of my babies?! It's so beautiful, having the 3 of you together!" Although Amina knows the real situation, she still loves and commends the fact that through all their personal bullshit at 20 and 23 Lyric and Kyst have done an EXCEPTIONAL job raising London. Their co-parenting and family dynamic rivals that of married couples twice their ages. They provide for him, love him, and show him the perfect parental relationship. They try to never fight or argue in front of him and give him amazing stability; all the things they both were deprived of at sometime in their  lives.

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