Chapter 1

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After spending the summer in France with the
Delacour family Harry is now back at hogwarts for his 6th year.

Although Harry was glad to be back so he could see Sirius and Remus he did miss France and and he also missed his lover he had over the summer.

When Harry meet rabastan over the summer he didn't and still doesn't know that his lover had been rabastan Lestrange

Since he'd been back he'd been getting closer with Neville and Luna and today was a day Harry Luna and Neville out in the grounds of hogwarts hearing about harrys liver he had over the summer in France and how nice the delacour's were.

" he was always so gentle when we had sex-" Neville chocked on his drink " and never disappointed  me when we were out he'd always by me things and he was so cute though the only bummer is that we may never see each other again" Harry finished with a sad smile.

" I think you love him Harry" Luna teased with a happy smile, she was really happy for her friend her new best friend and that's all she wanted.

She only wanted him to be happy as he'd always had a tuff life to deal with and the summer Harry had in France that made him so happy, happier then she'd even seen him.

" maybe he does but doesn't realise it " Neville whispered into her ear to witch she hummed in agreement to.

Luna had a crush on Neville just he as has a crush in her but Neville hadn't done anything yet he's worried he doesn't she doesn't like him back and doesn't want to ruin there friendship with each other.

" I wish I could see him Again or just hear from him " Harry whispered as he looked into the dark night Skye

Shaking his head he turned to his friends whom where just behind him and began talking.

" enough about me what about the 2 of you how have you been doing "

The 2 started to explain there days that they haven't already spoke about before Neville and Harry droped Luna off at the Ravenclaw common room then the two males headed the the gryffindor common room

Little did Harry know that he'd been hearing from his lover sooner rather then later

After A summer fling Where stories live. Discover now