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Harry sat next to Rabastan on one side and Rodolphus sat on the other with Sirius next to him and Remus next to Harry as Neville and Luna sat across from him.

Yesterday Neville had demanded to meet the real people behind all the masks of the person whom had stolen his best friends heart putting behind the fact that they had a part to deal in with his parents insanity.

Luna held onto his hand as they stared at each other his eyes narrowed. Stand he stood in front of Rabastan.

" now you listen here Lestrange, Death Eater or not you hurt my best friend and I'll hunt you down and I'll calastrate(?) you weather your in a death meeting or not!"

" death meeting?" Sirius asked.

" Voldemort's meetings always have death so death meeting" Luna spoke up proud of her boyfriend.

Harry snorted quietly into his shoulder he was proud of his bestfriend, he hadn't thought Neville would be able to face either of the Lestrange Brothers but never the less proved harry wrong again.

" I would never hurt Harry I Love him, I never wanted to hurt him In the first place Heir Longbottom" Rabastan spoke softly, Neville then turned to Rodolphus and got a glare before Neville had spoken again but it was for Rodolphus.

" You had Better not hurt Sirius either or the same would happen to you!"

" Sniffles i thought you had better taste"

" Hey my taste in men is perfectly fine thank you very much Nev"

" That's enough that's not what where here for" Remus spoke softly as he shifted.


Harry smiled softly as he gave Neville and luna a hug, Rabastan behind him along with his Brother Rodolphus whom gave them a formal goodbye. Harry had thought the day had went pretty well with The Lestange Brothers and Neville as they interacted together he though that hopefully once all the tenseness and wariness was behind them they'd get alone quite well.

Harry smiled as he relaxed into Rabastan's hold knowing they had to get going soon as Rodolphus went to say goodbye to Remus and Sirius so that the dark lord wouldn't get suspicious of them and where'd they been disappearing to lately.

" i love you" Rabastan whispered into his ear softly.

" I love you to Basty"

" Brother we must get going if we don't want the dark lord asking around after us" Rabastan Agreed knowing if they didn't leave soon they'd have voldemort on there tail trying to find out what secrets there keeping.

Rabastan placed a soft kiss onto Harry's lips with a whispered goodbye and promise to write soon he went through the floo network after his brother.

"Tea?" Harry Asked his two godfathers as he walked into the kitchen seeing both sitting at the table though before either could answer there was a crack that sounded through the room and they seen the black house elf apear.

"Sit, Sit Master Baby Kreacher does for you"

" Master Baby?" Harry whispered to Sirius as he did as Kreacher told and sat down.

" That's what he's been calling you since he'd found out you were pregnant" Sirius offhandedly answered as he was to busy staring at Kreacher in shock never seeing him demand a master of his to sit down pregnant or not.

Harry huffed quietly as he sent a 'Thanks' Kreacher's way and began to drink his tea as the three people in the room began to talk softly to each other before harry had to go back to Hogwarts .


" I'll see you in a couple day's " Harry said as he disappeared through the floo.

As Harry came out the other side he smiled softly at Albus.

" Albus" He nodded his head respectfully.

" Harry How are you today? you left early this morning wit Miss Lovegood and Mr. Longbottom " Dumbledore asked kindly as he gestured for Harry to take a seat as one of the Hogwarts house elf's popped in with refreshments and a few snacks that harry went for first getting a small chuckle out of Dumbledore.

" I've been alright, just getting tried easily because of the baby"

Before The headmaster could continue luna and Neville rushed into the room looking horrified

" Your Pregnancy is out Harry! Rita Skeeter Printed about it and put it in tonight addition of the daily prophet " Harry felt himself Paling...


A/N: i Have writers block so this chapters extremely short, im not 100% sure when i will post again but when i do hopefully the next few chapters will be longer with the conversation of Harry's pregnancy's coming out and how.

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