chapter 17

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" Harry?" A hesitent Voice called out from beyond the door he had been hiding behind for day's.

" What!" He snapped, while knowing the voice belonged to Rabastan he couldn't bring himself to get up and open the door, all Harry wanted was to be left  alone, alone with his busness that no one else needed to know.

" May i come in?" The voice of course was soft, well soft enough to reconise the worry coating his voice.

sighing soflty Harry nodded his head while he knew Rabastan couldn't see him he still done it anyway, waving his hand the door opend itself to reveal Rabastan standing there, Hand inclosed around eachother as they rested on his clothed abs, his hooded cloak unbuttened aswell as his hood pulled down showing his face and most his neck.

" Basty" He mumbled rolling over pulling the blanket with him. distanly he heared soft mumbles as the door closed and the bed diped.

Harry felt the blanket being lifted and Rabastan taking the empty space next to him.[ it hadn't taken long before Rabastan flipped him around to face him.

" It'll work itself out in the end love, it always does" Rabastan whispered into his ear as he held him close.


" So longbottem you cheated on looney Lovegood with potter aye?" snarked a voice from behind the pair of lovers that had been walkking down the hall hand in hand ignoring the looks that people had been shooting them since the frist artical came out a few days prior.

turning his head Neville sighed as he seen cho chang standing behind them as more people began to gather around.

" Chang i didn't get Harry pregant, you of all people should know that considering he told you multipul times he meet someone in france after you tried to fuck him repitedly even after he told you wether he was stright or not wether he had a crush on you or not he would never get with you becuase of Cedric''

" You don't know what your talking about Longbottem have you gotten looney like your little girlfriend" She snarled clearly furious as everyone began to quite down at the statement that had been made by Neville.

" Oh i Think i do Chang, i mean even the headmaster knows about it and about you bullying Luna consistantly and how you tried to drug Harry, Honsestly how do you think made sure anything you  tried to give to harry never reched him?." whisperes began to pick up again as the two 5th years continued to bicker back and fourth.

" ENOUGH!" A clearly pregant Harry roared as he began to push himself through the crowds of people as silcence eloped the Hall full of people surrounding the small group in the middle.

" Harry!" was the flirtatious exclaim of cho whom tried to pull him into a hug only for him to swerve the hug from her and exept the one from Neville and Luna.

" Nev, Basty wants to speak with you"

" Who the hell is Basty!" Cho shrieked in shock not beliving that harry really didn't get pregant by neville.

" Not that it's any of your busniess chang but he's my lover"


" My Lord, we have spoken with eachother about potter" Malfoy sr,  Draco's father spoke as he kneeled before the dark lord.

" Get with it lucius" Voldemort could tell that his belived loyal sevent was hesitating.

" My Lord we have decided that we shall walk away from you if you go after potter with he is pregant, we stand for what you wish but we will not stand for you killing another child born or unborn"


A/N: i have writers block so the next few chapters will be short and could take a while for new chapters to be uploaded.

word count ~ 635

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