chapter 13

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Rabastan stood patiently to the side a hooded cloak  coving himself as well as a glamour charm over his face only keyed to certain people, Remus lupin being one of the few who would actually see through the glamour as it was keyed to him and 3 other people.

Rabastan felt his finger twitch a few time every couple of second as he body feels with nerves as he seen Lupin walk into the leaky coloron spotting him almost instantly as he'd made his way towards the escaped convict. 

" Lestrange" Lupin had muttered to him making a small gesture, Tipping his head to the side fro a couple seconds before straitening up and began to walk towards the muggle side. Rabastan began to follow lupin in silence briefly wondering  how many people actually new about the relationship he had with Harry. 

it wasn't long before they reached a small alleyway about a block away from the leaky coloron, once in the dark shadows lupin had wordlessly extended his arm for The youngest Lestange  to take. 

they landed in a living room that was a dark and gloomy if Rabastan didn't know any better he'd think it was the dark lords living quarters were he currently resasided in Malfoy Manor, though he new it was the black town house from having been there when he was a teenager.

Rabastan frowned when he looked over to Remus just in time to see him disappear with a small crack that could of been mistaken for a creaking floor board had he not seen him leave with his own eye.

clasping his hand together Rabastan looked around nervously ass he didn't see or hear anyone else around the black's town house, in thought he didn't see they head that slowly poked out behind a door before it moved again.


Harry Had woken up with a frown on his face he knew something important was going to happen today but he couldn't put his finger on it,  that was until his eye's widen when he realized he was meeting Rabastan today at Grimmauld place, where his Godfather's were currently staying. A tried sigh left his lips as he realized he'd have a lot of explaining to do for Rabastan 

Getting up from his warm bed Harry Made his way to the bathroom to wash his face before getting his school robes and having a shower. Once Ready he made his way out of the room  with his glamour up hiding his baby bump, to witch won't work in a couple of weeks as he'd be showing much more then he already was in everything goes to plan when he meets with Rabastan later that day.

" Harry" Luna and Neville both greeted with a small head nod as Neville also gave a smile and a Squeeze of harry shoulder in support as he knew what was gonna happen in just a few hours in the black town house.

 Harry gave both a small smile as they walked towards the Great hall for lunch.

" How's our Godson Harry?" Luna Asked in a small voice making sure not to be overheard by anyone whom was around, even if they were only a few first, second and a few that look to be in fourth or fifth year.

" good, He wasn't kicking a lot last night so i got a decant amount of sleep throughout the night" He smiled as he Looked over at both of them as he spoke in a small voice.

" Good, i can't wait to meet Ryan" Luna Said getting two confused looks her way by both males.

"Who The Hell Is Ryan Luna!" Both boy's demanded to now, Neville because it's his girlfriend and Harry because he was worried about his Friends 

" Our Godson and your son silly" she told her friends.

" I'm not Naming my son Ryan Luna" Harry said horrified his friend picked a name for his son, Though if he Had to admit it he did kinda like the name. Luna huffed but didn't bring up the name again.

sitting in the middle of the Gryffindor Table Harry smiled at dean and Seamus who soon took a seat in front of them not long after they dat down themselves.

" Dean, sea how you been?" Harry questioned after a while for Seamus looking at him.

" I Don't think i've apologized for the things i've done and said you Harry, Im so sorry i was meant to be your friend not someone to be mean and hate on you, please forgive me, if you don't and its because t you being gay me and dean don't care, please forgive me" Seamus blurted out.

" You Know?" Harry said a little wide eye. 

" We heard Ron Ranting about it last week in the dorm: Dean said as he rubbed the back of his head slightly. 

" Fuckin' Weasel" Neville muttered under his breath just loud enough for the other four to hear as Seamus nd Dean looked at him surprised while Neville and Luna looked at him with raised eyebrows. 


Harry paced back and fourth in the kitchen as he waited for Remus to get back with Rabastan, He wasn't really sure how this would go but he only hoped for the best. 

Harry heard movement before two cracks could be heard about 30 seconds apart, Harry knowing Remus had come and gone stuck his Head though the door to see Rabastan stuck in thought, This breath caught i this throat seeing Rabastan for the first time in months. in panic he pulled his head away before talking a deep breath making sure his glamour was on before he walked out and into Rabastan line of eye.

"Harry" He whispered. 


Rabastan smiled down at Harry as he laid curled next to him his head on his chest, he was going to be a father, he couldn't belive it he didn't till Harry had dropped his glamour.


A/N: I think ill put Rabastan finding out about the pregnancy as a flash back

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