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TW: The second 2/3 ish of this chapter is going to deal with suicide, transphobia, etc.


Peter groaned and rolled over to slap the top of his alarm clock. It kept going until he was out of bed. Some days, he really hated how effective the alarm clock he made was. Especially because of his enhanced senses, so the alarm was extra effective for him.

Peter did his daily struggle dance to wriggle into his binder (which he loathed). He threw on a t shirt and jeans that didn't smell too bad, and on top of the he put on his favorite maroon sweater. Peter then grabbed his textbook and binders and shoved them into his backpack and walked into the main room of the still tiny Queens apartment.

"Goooood morning sunshine," May beamed as she put four waffles onto a plate for Peter.

"Hey May, how'd you sleep?" Peter yawned as he took the plate from her.

They chatted for a few minutes as Peter wolfed his breakfast down, and with that he was out the door. He caught the subway to the Midtown Tech stop, and texted Happy his schedule for the day. Happy never responded to these daily texts.

As Peter walked through the crowded hall to his locker he caught up with Ned.

"Hey what's up bro" Ned said loudly enough so Peter could hear him over the dull roar of their classmates.

"Ah same old same old. I've got way better stuff to do than get harassed by Flash and attend classes that are way too easy," Peter groaned as he closed his locker and started towards their first period Physics class. The bell rang and the hallways emptied.

There was a sub in for Mr. Hargrove, and he seemed to be too old to stand. He handed out 10 page review packets for the students to work on and promptly fell asleep after a few minutes. Peter decided to go to the bathroom after a half hour (and of course he had already completed his packet), so he took the hall pass and slipped out. 

After he exited the stall, Peter froze. Flash.

"Whaddup Parker, class too boring for you? I would've thought it would be up your alley since we had pack-ets. I'm surprised you're even in here tranny" Flash mused.

"Very funny, Flash," Peter said quietly. He instantly regretted it. Flash swiftly started beating the crap out of him, and soon Peter was on the floor with what felt like broken ribs and a bloody nose. 

Satisfied, Flash left the bathroom and went back to class. Peter groaned as he got up, badly hurting, but he washed the blood off his face and went back to class. Ned saw his face immediately and started to whisper to Peter how he's Spiderman and he can fight back, etc.

"Zip it, Ned. It's not a good day for being Spiderman," he said in a hushed voice.

His last class of the day was gym, and surprise, Flash had the same period. Again.

Peter quickly took off his sweaty gym shirt, sprayed on some deodorant, and threw his shirt on. Thankfully no one though anything of the tank top he always wore, no one knew it was actually a binder. Flash came stalking around the corner and Peter knew it was going to be worse than this morning. 


"Hey tranny. Why don't you take that shirt back off and let us see what's under it?" Flash demanded.

Peter grabbed his bag and tried to leave the locker room, but was blocked by Flash. He pushed Peter back against the lockers and simply stood there for a minute. Staring.

"You are nothing," Flash spat. "You'll always be a girl, pretending to be a boy. You will amount to nothing, because you're worthless." As quickly as he came, he walked out of the locker room so as not to be caught by the coach.


Peter took a shaky breath and ran out of the school. He kept running until he got to a deserted alleyway where he undressed and got ready for patrol. He couldn't stop thinking about what Flash had said.

After an uneventful night, Peter swung through the city trying to breathe in as much crisp night air as he could. He settled on a sky scraper that was under construction to admire the lights. His mind started swirling with insults he had been told. 

Worthless piece of trash


No wonder your parents killed themselves, I would if I had to deal with you

You're nothing


Peter started to sob. He said these things to himself everyday, but for some reason they hurt so much more when other people said them. Because he started to believe them. His dysphoria was so bad he could hardly look at himself in the mirror without having a full on anxiety attack. He hated his body, he hated his life, he had no reason to go on.

As he stared down at the cars whirring by hundreds of feet below him, he gravitated towards the edge of the building. The void beckoned him, and he wanted to answer back. To join it. He stood up quietly, listening to the sounds of the city. He pulled his mask back on, now soaked with tears and snot. He didn't care. Then he was falling. All of a sudden. And he didn't stop. After 3 seconds he realized his mistake, but it was too late. In a panic he shot a web but it didn't get a firm attachment and it simply slid right off the building. He screamed.

He shot another web, this time it caught, he slammed into another building, but continued to fall after the impact.


Meanwhile at Stark Tower

Tony sat at his workstation in his personal lab, trying, and failing to stay awake to finish a new design on a new mark for his suit. 

"Boss, there seems to be an issue with Mr. Parker" FRIDAY's monotone voice sounded through the lab.

Tony's head shot up and demanded to know what was happening.

"KAREN has informed me Mr. Parker is falling from a 1, 214 foot building, and he has not stopped"

Without a moment of though Tony sprinted out of the terrace with his suit forming around him.

"FRIDAY, give me as much juice as we've got"

Within 3.8 seconds Tony was flying full speed for Peter, and he was falling limply. Tony caught Peter seemingly feet before he hit the ground.

"FRIDAY, assess his injuries. I want vitals." Tony said.

"His heart his barely beating and there seems to be a lot of internal damage," the AI responded.

Jesus. What happened to him? Tony wondered

"Get Banner to the medbay in the tower ASAP, tell him we'll be coming in hot," Tony practically screamed. He shot back towards Stark tower, and he looked down at Peter's body in his arms. It looked like he was dead, or at least about to be. Tony could barely hold back the tears flooding his eyes.

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