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Peter started to regain consciousness, and his eyes slowly opened to see harsh fluorescent lights and a very white environment. If he hadn't heard hushed voices coming from somewhere behind him and seen Stark Industries and Avengers logos on the doors, he would have thought he was dead. His heart rate spiked as all of the lights and sounds started to overload his enhanced senses.

"Kid!" Tony exclaimed as he ran over to Peter's bedside. He immediately pulled him into a hug. Bruce walked over and started checking his vitals.

"Hey Tony, would you mind stepping out of the room? I'm going to do another full exam. It should only take a few minutes."

"Yeah sure thing, Banner," Tony said as he patted Peter on the head and left the room for some more coffee.

At that moment, Peter realized he'd f****d up. As he gained more and more awareness he realized he couldn't feel his binder, only some bandages wrapped loosely to hold his broken ribs in place. The world started closing in around him. He couldn't breathe. None of the Avengers knew about his 'situation' and most certainly not Mr. Stark. His heart rate shot up, and Bruce saw what was happening.

"Don't worry, Peter. I was the only one in here when you came in. Tony didn't see anything." It was like Dr. Banner had read his mind. At that Peter let out a breath and visibly relaxed. "But, I have to warn you. You can't exercise in a binder. I would've thought someone as smart as you knew that. And because you've got so many broken ribs, you won't be able to bind for another week or two." 

"Yeah I know, I was just in a rush to get on patrol tonight and forgot" Peter lied. He always wore a binder under his suit. Bruce saw right through it but said nothing more.

Tony came back in with May on his heels, it seemed she had just arrived. 

"Dr. Banner, thank you so much for taking care of Peter. Would you mind giving us the room?" May asked politely.

"Yeah of course. I'll go drop off some of Peter's blood samples in the lab."

After Bruce had left, May rushed over and gave Peter a suffocating, yet gentle hug. Right after she gave him a light smack on the back of the head.

"Oww what the hell was that for?"

"For jumping off a goddamn building Peter!"

"I fell. I tried to get my web to hold but it slipped." It wasn't a complete lie.

"Kid, KAREN was the one who alerted me. I've seen the footage and so has May. We know what really happened." Tony had been silent in the corner until then, but spoke and Peter could see tears welling up in his eyes. At that, Peter broke down. He started sobbing uncontrollably and the events of school yesterday came flooding back.

"I'm so sorry. I was stupid, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I tried to stop but I just kept falling, I was so scared." Peter said quietly in between sobs. May brought him into another hug, and Tony walked over to him and started stroking his hair. 

"We aren't mad, we just want to know why?" May whispered

Peter said nothing, but May knew then that it was about his dysphoria. She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Mr. Stark, would you mind sitting with Peter while I go call his school? I have to let them know that you'll be out for the next week or so. And there might be something else you want to share with Mr. Stark, Peter." At that last thought, May raised her eyebrows to emphasize it. 

"May and I have agreed that you'll be staying here, in the tower, until you're fully healed. May will come visit when she can like on the weekends." Peter was bewildered that he was going to be staying with his idol for a week. "And what was that little exchange about?"

Peter looked down at his lap and started fidgeting with the blanket. His eyes welled up with tears and the started to fall. "There-there's something I-I never really told you Mr. Stark" 

"What is it kid? You can always talk to me, you know that." Tony could see that whatever it was, it was devastating the boy in front of him.

Peter took a deep shaky breath. "I-I-I'm trans." 

"Oh well that's fine with me. If you want to be a chick then go right ahead"

"Actually uh Mr. Stark. It's the other way around." Peter said slightly more positively. "I was born in a girl's body, but since I was 13 I've been living as Peter and I'm on hormones, and May is saving up so I can have surgery some day."

"Oh okay then, Pete. Was that all you needed to tell me?"

"Yeah that covers it"

As if on cue, May walked back in to find both of them smiling. She rubbed Peter's back comfortingly and kissed the top of his head. "So Mr. Stark talked to you about staying here for a little bit?"

"Yeah, I'm so excited. Not that I don't love living with you but he's freaking Iron man!" At that Tony chuckled softly. "Oh crap I'm so sorry Mr. Stark I did not mean to say that out loud, I just meant that you're really cool and so smart and I really look up to you and-" Tony cut him off.

"You're fine kid. I'm everyone's favorite."

May couldn't help but crack up at Peter's rambling and that whole exchange. "I've arranged for your teachers to email you work packets so you don't fall behind- but I hardly think that could ever happen."

Tony seemed to agree. "Yeah, but don't think for a second that I'll let you off the hook when it comes to trivia games. You may be plenty smart, but you can't beat the amount of useless junk I've got stored up here." Tony said has he tapped his temple. 

"Alright, well I've got to get to work. Happy said that he'll swing by the apartment (haha get it) to grab some of you things for your stay." May said. She gave him another tight squeeze and a quick peck on the top of his head before leaving.

"Love you, May!" Peter called after her as she walked out of the medbay.

"Bruce wants to keep you in here for tonight just for observation, and then in the morning I'll show you to your room and give you the grand tour and shi- stuff" Tony caught himself. He'd have to work on his swearing now that a literal child was living with him.

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