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A/N: Okay this thing has like 70 reads! This is crazy! Thank y'all so much for the support. I finally finished with a bunch of school stuff so hopefully I can get at least 2 or 3 parts out this weekend. Enjoy!!

After the great Nerf war of the week had taken place and Peter helped unbury Nat from the couch, Tony motioned for Peter to join him as he left the room.

"What's up Mr. Stark?" Peter asked as he jogged to catch up.

"Well I think it's time we go check out your surprise." Tony said with a wink

"Oh yeah I kinda forgot about it with the whole, well, you know."

"Yeah the unsanctioned Nerf attack you mean?" He said laughing.


"I'm just joking around I thought it was hilarious. I could watch Sam and Bucky chase each other around forever." 

They finally reached Peters room and he saw a large envelope on the center of his desk. He sat down in the chair and looked to Tony for the okay to open it. Tony simply nodded with a giddy smile on his face. 

"No freaking way. You're joking right Mr. Stark?" Peter asked as he tried to pick his jaw up the floor. Tony simply smiled. "Oh my god this is the greatest day of my life. This-this is- agh this is oh my god" Peter practically shouted as he stood up and tackled Tony into a hug. The envelope had the paperwork for Peter's top surgery consultation. Dated for the following Monday.

"Wait was this you?" Peter asked incredulously as his mind started to connect the dots. There was no way May could have afforded this so soon. It would have had to be Tony's doing. 

"Well you know being a billionaire does have its perks." Tony smiled

"Mr. Stark, I can't accept this. This means the world to me but it's just too much. It would take years for us to be able to pay you back and it's just so much money and-"

"Slow down, kid. Take a breath. You are accepting this and it's happening. No ifs ands or buts." Tony interrupted. "This is a drop in the bucket for me bud. And this isn't just some whim that you want. This is something that's going to change your life. You need this."

Peter hugged him even tighter making Tony struggle for breath a little bit. "Thank you so much Tony" he whispered. 


Peter shot up out of bed around 5:45am after only two or three hours of sleep. He was just too excited for his consultation. It was today! Granted, it wasn't until 10 so he had plenty of time. He threw on a t shirt and jeans and went to the kitchen only to find Steve and Nat having breakfast in workout gear. 

"Morning guys" Peter said gleefully.

"I don't think I've ever seen you functional before 8 am" Nat chuckled in between sips of some sort of smoothie.

"Today's just a good day." Peter smiled

"Well Nat and I were just about to head down to the gym to spar, wanna come along since you're fully healed?" Steve asked. Peter had gotten his cast off a week before and everything else was back to normal as well.

"Yeah for sure. Hang on let me go change." Peter walked briskly back to his room. Oh my god I'm gonna spar with the Captain America and Black Widow!! He wasn't going to go easy on them, and he hoped they wouldn't either. He threw on the binder made for him by Mr. Stark that was safe to work out in along with a pair of gym shorts and a baggyish tshirt and went down to the gym where Nat and Steve were already in an intense sparring match. They seemed to be pretty evenly matched until Steve tripped and Nat pinned him in an instant. 

"Well I think I need a break" Steve laughed in between deep breaths. Why don't you show the kid how it's done" Peter stepped onto the mat and felt nervous after the previous display. 

They went 5 rounds and Peter ended up winning 2 of them on account of his super strength and spidey sense reflexes. But most of the time, his powers were no match for her skill.

"You pack a pretty mean punch there spiderling" Nat smiled after he pinned her. 

"Well between us spiders, that might have been one of the coolest things I've ever done besides stealing Steve's shield back in Germany." Peter said as he helped her up.

"Hey I heard that" Steve poked his head up.

"Well it was really awesome hanging with you guys, I've gotta run to my appointment with Mr. Stark." 

"Sure thing kid"

"We should do this more often" Nat called after him as he walked out the door smiling.


It was only a 20 minute drive to the surgeon's office and while they were getting out of the car Peter started to get nervous. 

Tony noticed. "Hey Pete it's going to be fine. You have nothing to worry about, it's only a consult"

"I know I just wish May could be here with us" Peter sighed. She had been working a lot of double shifts lately, and Peter only got to see her once or twice a week. 

"I know but you'll get to see her tomorrow night at dinner remember? It's Wanda's night so we're having some Sokovian dish that I can't pronounce. I'm sure it'll taste good though" Tony blabbered on as they were in the elevator.

"Oh yeah I had almost forgotten about that. Yeah that makes me feel better."

The consultation went smoothly, and Peter decided on double incision so there was no chance he'd need a revision in the future. Right when they were discussing dates, some other patient cancelled. 

"We just got a cancellation this Thursday, would that work?" The receptionist asked. Tony looked at Peter.

"Oh uh y-y-y-yeah that works" His stomach did a flip. That was in like a day and a half. Holy crap.

"Alrighty then it's settled. Thursday it is" Tony said confidently.

Thursday it is.

A/N: Sorry that was kinda dry, it was more of a filler chapter. 

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