Untitled Short Story (BNHA Villian Deku AU)

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Unknown POV

"I see you, my beautiful little songbird~" I mutter to myself as I stare into y/n's window as they're doing their homework for UA. I honestly could give two shits on what it's about. There's a reason I dropped out after only one semester. Shigaraki and Kiriguri are very convincing when it comes to getting someone, anyone, to come and join them on the villian side. I look up from my phone and I see they're going to bed. "Welp. Time to go home, I guess." I cock my head to the side before I leave and I stop myself. "That's a great idea~" I then leave a little present for y/n to find in the morning on her window. "Goodnight, my songbird~" I whisper to myself as I leap down from the branches and slip into the darkness, running towards our secret hideout.

The Next Morning

Your POV

I yawn as I stretch, my f/c wings opening behind me. I shake my head and rub my eyes as I get out of bed, getting ready for the day. After I get out of the shower, I look out the window and look at my favorite cherry blossom tree. "It should be blooming soon..." I then take a closer look at one of its branches. There's burn marks in the shape of footprints on it. I sweat a bit but not let it worry me. I quickly blow dry my hair and wings before gathering all of my things and leaving for school at UA. I take one more glance out of my window at the tree and I spot something on the outside of my window. I open it slightly and I bring the object inside.

"To y/n,

I know it's been forever since we've last spoken, but I need to see you and tell you something. Please meet me at the convenience store by UA. Please. I'll be seeing you soon.

Forever yours,


I audibly gasp at the note and the dried flower that fell out of it. "f/f...how did he remember?" I ponder this as I shove the note into my bag and run out of the front door. "Bye, mom! I'll be home late tonight! Studying with Mina for our final!" I then quickly head towards UA, not completely sure what this meeting will entail between Deku and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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