Angel with a Shotgun~

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*Ariel's POV*

Click. Chink. Boom.

It's the same every single time. 

8 damn years....

This war has gone on for too long....

Time to end this.

I get up from my sniping roost and quickly run down to ground level. I then run as fast as possible towards the castle while under heavy fire from the fallen angels and demons.

"Ariel! What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!" Gabriel screams at me as I run towards the leader of this war. I stop and turn for a quick second so he can see the sourness and determination in my eyes. He nods his head and gives me permission to go forward.

*a few minutes later* *3rd POV*

"Master Lucifer. There's an angel approaching. She seems to have an agenda." 

Lucifer waves his hand, disregarding the situation. "Let her through. She seems feisty and yet puzzling."

"Are you sure, Master Lucifer?"

Lucifer bangs his fist onto the armrest of his throne. "WHO IS THE KING?! HMM?! IT'S ME!! ME DAMNIT!! NOW LISTEN TO ME!! LET. HER. THROUGH!!"

"A-anything you say, M-master Lucifer, sir!"

The door then opens to reveal a girl with long black hair, delicate pale skin, challenging green eyes, and broken and damaged gray wings. Blood is running down her arms and legs as the bullet wounds start to bleed more and more with each step she takes.  Lucifer then runs to the girl as she looses her footing and starts to fall. He catches her and lifts her up bridal style. 

"Are you alright, angel?"

Ariel nods her head and smiles a little. "T-thank you, Master Lucifer. I am forever in your debt...."

Lucifer smiles softly. "No, no. There's no trouble. Your name is Ariel, I believe?" 

Ariel nods her head and smiles as brightly as she can. "That's right! And I have come to ask you for a favor."

"Of course. Anything for a beautiful and graceful angel such as yourself." Lucifer says with a cool and smooth tone, a small blush across his cheeks.

Ariel then pulls the gun out of the back of her pants. A Beretta 9 millimeter. Solid black with laser sights and highly lethal demonic poison within the bullets. 

"You will end this war now or you will die, Lucifer Morningstar." She challenges him while the gun is pointed upwards underneath his chin. She jumps down and keeps the gun under his chin.

He smirks and grabs the gun from the girl, throwing it aside. "The 'Shy Sniper' and Lieutenant General of the angel army and you can't even keep your gun in your hands. How shameful...." Ariel fumes as she tries to stare down Lucifer. Considering she's only 5'3, she hasn't got much advantage over him. 

"How about this, Morningstar. Give me the throne and we'll end this war."

Lucifer laughs upwards for a minute or two. This gives Ariel the advantage she needs.

She grabs up her gun and shoots twice. 

Once in his heart.

And once in between his eyes.

Lucifer gasps and falls straight down to his knees. He then falls onto his back as he takes his last breath. Ariel stands over him and smirks as she forms the words to her lips. 

"Vide in inferno sint." 

(Authors note: please do not translate back to Latin. It means to say 'See you in Hell, you monster.' But it directly translates to 'Look in Hell.' Sowwey <3)

She spits on his body as the light leaves his eyes. 

The war is over.

The angels won.

Ariel then descends to her throne as the light comes back into the skys. Cheering can be heard outside as all other demons and fallen angels either drop dead or fly away. Back to the Hell where they belong.

Ariel smiles as Gabriel and Raziel run towards her, smiles on their faces. They both hug her tight, but not too tight due to her wounds. Gabriel kisses her forehead and smiles against it. "I knew you could do it, love..."

Ariel smiles a lot more and hugs him tighter. 

"Thanks, dorkface...."

The end

Short Stories By Melody-SempaiWhere stories live. Discover now