-Chapter 18-

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(A/N: what's up I'm calling all Friday night funkin fans to hmu rn like please I love you love me back; also that break? Forget it I love u guys too much)

Nagisa's POV:

Everything feels awful. Well... no, not really. I'm just hurting, that's all.

I miss Jataro... I miss his hair, his eyes, his whole face, godammit...! He's just... really cute. Suddenly, I feel a buzz come from next to me.

"Huh...?" I finally adjusted my eyes to the room. I was in an unfamiliar location... I was confused and scared. Mainly for Jataro but also for myself. I looked to the side and saw...

A phone? Why is there a phone here? There was a note next to it that read:

"Hello Nagisa. Hope you're doing okay. Jataro is very worried and we will come to visit you later today. In the meantime please take this device as a gift from me. Consider it a thank you. I'm trying to find myself now... And I feel like I'm progressing.

                              The Servant"

I picked up the phone and checked it.

300 new messages from MASARUUU
2 new messages from *:♡Kotoko♡*:
10 new messages from jataro.

I was surprised that everyone's names were already pre-entered... I slowly swiped the screen and read EVERY single one of Masaru's messages, which mainly consisted of:

"Hey dude!"
"You okay????????"
"What games do you like Nagisa??"
"I'm gonna get Tetris!!!!!"

And so on...

I then switched to what Kotoko said:

"Hello Nagisa!! ♡♡^.^"
"Hope you're doing oki doki in there!♡ xoxo luv you! Text me back when you wake up!!"

These made me smile. Even though before recently, Kotoko and I never really engaged in a real friendship, these still warmed my heart because it showed she atleast cared.

Now to see Jataro's...

"You're cure :P"
"I hope you're okay in there :D"
"I miss you :((("
"Masaru is poking me >.<"
"Anyway, I can't wait to see you soon"
"I miss you a lot :("
"Like, really"
"Okay I have to go. Love you lots!♡♡♡ get better! Nagito says we can see you later!"


SO CUTE!! HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY?! I can't wait to finally see Jataro again... I've always wondered what it would look like if he texted...

Is that weird?


Who's Nagito? Did they make a friend when they escaped or something? That's odd. I would think they'd still be recovering from what happened. I'm surprised I'm not dead myself...

But I made a promise to Jataro that I would never leave him. I'm not leaving him anytime soon.


I'm bored.

This room is a little, small. I love the blanket draped over me to reveal my scarred legs and what seemed to be a hospital gown. This feels oddly peaceful... shouldn't there be chaos outside?


What ever happened to Monaca?

Is she okay? I mean, it's not like I care, but... I'm still curious. Did she die? Maybe that's why it's so peaceful?

However, I have a strange feeling that's not the case.

Whatever as long as Jataro is fine. I try to stand up, but it's a bit difficult... the floor is also freezing. I don't have slippers on or anything and the ones provided are all the way across the room...


I cling to the wall and try to make it to the door. It was difficult but when I leaned against the frame to catch my breath, I notices some crutches near the window.

Frustrated but also relieved, I wobbled over to the window and grabbed the crutches. I've never used them before so I still ended up being a bit uneasy... however, things were easier than before.

I carefully walked back to the door and twisted the handle. Outside was a long hallway. Yeah, this was definitely a hospital. I was completely lost.

I turned left because Masaru told me that left was always right, but I mean... what does he know? Be honest.

Still, I walked down the East hallway and looked at the room tags.

(A/N Heavy references here lmao)

Room #12889 Kei Yamaguchi

Room #11037 Izuku Midoriya

But I stopped at a certain room... once I read the tag, my heart dropped.

Room #0966 Monaca Towa

She... she was h-here...?


W-Why am I stuttering?! Why am I so scared. I almost fell off the crutches, which made a loud noise. Once I stumbled to the wall's side where I was put of sight, her door opened.

It... it was her... really her...

She was alive?! You're kidding!

She looked around and glared in every direction.

"Who's out here?? Come on, tell Monaca! Monaca wants to know!"

I peeked out from the side, making sure I wasn't visible. Suddenly her voice went down a pitch and her whole aura changed...

"I heard you. Come out of hiding."

I was terrified at this point. I stepped out from around the corner unconsciously. Once I realised what I did, I hit myself for it.

Idiot! Why'd you do that?!

She stared at me, shocked. Suddenly, she put her cutesy little act back on and smiled. She then ran to me with her arms out.


I was shocked. She... really thought i was just gonna embrace her with open arms?


I glared at her and angrily pushed her back with my right arm while my left one held my crutches in place.

"Back the hell up! Who do you think you are, idiot?! I don't want anything to do with you! You tried to kill Jataro! Leave me and him alone!"

She stared at me, unfazed. Still, she smiled stupidly like she didn't know what I was talking about.

"Monaca is confused? What does Nagisa mean? Doesn't Nagisa like Monaca?"

I was pissed at this point. Forget this girl. I stumbled away on my crutches, completely ignoring her pleads.

I wanted to see my friends.

||AWOOGA :00 I loved writing this chapter and I hope you guys liked it!||

Word Count: 1005

Chapter Art by: scorpiuzz

&quot;Why Don't you Hate Me?&quot; Jataro x Nagisa (DANGANRONPA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS)Where stories live. Discover now