- Chapter 5-

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Jataro's POV:

I did it...

I did it...!

I did it!!!

I... did it?

Did I really... do it though? I didn't really confess to Nagisa... he just overheard my stupid self talks... I'm so dumb-


Can't think like that anymore! I'm going to try to boost my self esteem... And maybe... Nagisa will like me even more! Yeah... yeah, that's a good plan!

Nagisa looks down at me.

"So... should we go back? Or...?" I quickly shook my head.

"I don't wanna face Monaca right now... And I really don't think she wants to see me." Nagisa sighed, placing his hands on top of mine.

"I guess you're right, huh? Whatever... As long as you're okay... I don't want her to hurt you. I... I can't believe she did that to you...! UGH! I HATE HER!" Nagisa started shaking, lowering his head.

I smile sadly, and squeeze his hands in mine. "It's fine Nagisa... I understand if you wanna hate Monaca... But please don't bully her! I wanna try my hardest to PREVENT problems! Not CAUSE them, okay?"

He smiles and brings my hands up to his mouth, kissing them softly.

"I'm sorry Jataro... I just want you to be happy. Tu feliz, yo feliz!" Nagisa smiled.

"What does that mean...?" I asked. Nagisa laughs, turning away.

"It means that if your happy, I'm even happier..." he smiles, blushing into his collar.

I tilt my head to the side, satisfied with my new... boy... friend?

What are we, anyways? We're a bit young to really date... And Monaca wouldn't like that... but...

It's not like she's the leader or anything! That's Masaru's job! And last time I checked, EVERYONE had a say in EVERYTHING! So... I think it should be fine if I date Nagisa!

"Nagisa! I want to be your boyfriend! Is... That okay...?" Nagisa blushes, looking back at me.

"That's perfectly fine with me, Jataro."


I stood up, rubbing my eyes. I was SUPER tired... I really wanna sleep.

I tugged Nagisa's sleeve while yawning. I think he got the memo, because he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room. Usually, we would all sleep together, but I was feeling ashamed and awkward... so I stayed by myself.

I crawled under the covers of my blankets, snuggling up with myself. Suddenly, Nagisa grabbed me from behind, and before I knew it, he was practically spooing me...





I tensed up, and Nagisa lifted his head to look at me. "You okay?"

I giggled, nodding. Nagisa shrugged, laying back down next to me...

My savior...


Poor Monanca...

Oh Nagisa...

What will I do with you?

||There's chapter 5! Sorry for the delay... I know this one's hella short, but as I always say, I'm trying here! Hopefully (No pun intended) the next chapter will be longer!

Chapter Art by: Me :D

Word Count: 484

"Why Don't you Hate Me?" Jataro x Nagisa (DANGANRONPA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS)Where stories live. Discover now