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Not all people who go to the festival are looking for fun or entertainment. Some go looking for easy targets. A bit of a distraction here and a quick hand there can earn oneself a hefty purse.

Delvore was one such person. He was already naturally gifted during the night, being born a Drow. Those who saw him, tended to move from his path. His eyes never stopped roaming the river of people he walked through, constantly picking out his next target. His pockets were already heavy with the 200 gold he had lifted from those lacking awareness. A few times he locked eyes with those he knew were like him. They would give a knowing nod and continue on their way. The code prevented them from taking from each other, but it didn't stop them from infiltrating on other's hunting grounds.

His gut began to rumble and he realized he had been so focused on his task that he had forgone eating for the day, and he was ravenous. He sniffed the air and began to follow the scent of food. He was glad that the taverns were all outside. There he could grab a drink and melt into the shadows instead of sulking in a corner booth while people stare and whisper at him. He hated being the center of people's focus. A loud announcement caught his attention. He couldn't quite hear what they said, but he knew where there were announcements, there were people distracted by the speaker and therefore easier targets for him.

"I'll eat after." He whispered to himself as he made his way to the crowd. The crowd numbered to about 500 people. The largest crowd he had seen the entire festival. Delvore was intrigued and listened to the announcer.

"Welcome to the 69th Annual Glizzy Guzzling Contest!"

The crowd erupted in cheers. Delvore remembered hearing about this contest. Apparently it was a big deal to the town. Guzzlers from all over would come to challenge each other and claim the title of the Glizzy Guzzling Champion. It was a title respected by many neighboring villages, and even some major cities.

"We have reached the finals folks! They have gobbled and swallowed their way to victory, and at long last they can smell the championship right under their noses."

On stage Delvore could see four people sitting at a long table. The first was a fat Human looking extremely confident, second an Orc who sat like a stone, third a small Elf woman who seemed really nervous and out of place, 4th a Halfling woman with a deadly hunger in her eyes. Next to the Halfling there was an empty chair that drew the crowds attention.

The announcer seemed to be waiting for that moment and exclaimed, "Yes you're seeing right folks. We have a 5th seat at the table with none to fill it. This years contest has a surprise for the crowd."

Delvore's stomach rumbled again.

"This year, one of you will challenge the champions! If you are successful you will be granted the same prize as our 4 finalists. 300 gold pieces, 50% off of all shops, taverns, and services throughout the festival, and finally this!" The announcer held up a medal. It showed a mouth wide open with a glizzy sliding in.

"What a horrendous looking piece." Delvore groaned.

"Who shall be brave enough to challenge the best of the best?" The announcer called out.

The crowd looked around at each other. No one seemed to want to volunteer. Delvore thought to himself about the pros and cons to joining.

• I more than double my money if I win
• I get a free meal
• Extra perks to make my life a lot easier in this place

• Very public space
• Face becomes known to many
• Difficult to find good customers that trust someone in the spot light

His stomach growled one again and he made his decision. He walked up to the stage without looking or speaking to the announcer and sat down in the 5th seat. The crowd murmured their disapproval at him not being chosen, but the announcer seemed happy that someone finally stepped up.

"We have our challenger!" He screamed to the crowd. "What is your name my good sir?"

"I am called Delvore." He responded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Delvore!" Cheers rang out once again as people looked forward to the newbie challenger seeing just how out matched he was.

"Oh please, another tiny Elf? Your people eat like birds yet think they could possibly win an eating contest." The words came from the fat human at the opposite end of the table. "Just give up your seat to someone more fit to challenge me."

"I shall be more than enough for you, how about after the contest we see if you could swallow my fist and your teeth." Delvore replied smoothly.

The Orc grinned, finally showing a bit of emotion. The other 3 contestants seemed to be intimidated by his words and averted their eyes, choosing instead to focus on the task at hand.

"Bring out the glizzys!"

Five women walked out from behind the stage with steaming plates of 20 glizzys.

Delvore's mouth began to water and his stomach ached to start eating as his plate was set in front of him. He kept a straight face though and looked over to the fat man who's drool was dripping from his chin. An idea began to form in Delvore's mind. He knew in a fair contest he would lose to the Orc and the Human. The other two seemed easy enough to beat.

"Count down with me folks! 5!" Delvore prepared his spell.

"4!" The crowd joined in.

"3!" The contestants were reaching towards the plates.

"2!" The announcer raised his hand.

"1!" The spell was ready.


4 bright flashes of light appeared before everyone's face except the Elf, who looked just as stunned as everyone else. Delvore knew he needed to throw off suspicion of himself so he purposely casted his spell in front of himself as well. Since he knew it was coming, he closed his eyes the second he cast it and therefore was not effected. Immediately guards rushed the stage and pulled the Elf off of the stage. By the time the situation cleared, people noticed that Delvore was in the lead! The others having paused and cleared their sight had given him a few seconds head start. The Human had eaten a mere 3, the Orc 5, the Halfling also 5, and Delvore 8.

The crowd was ecstatic and began to chant. "Glizzy! Glizzy! Glizzy!"

Delvore was beginning to slow down as his stomach started to ache. The Human on the other hand was catching up. The Human was up to 13, the Orc 10, the Halfling 11, and Delvore just barely holding a lead at 15.

His lead was slowly slipping and he knew if he wanted to win he would have to push through the pain in his gut. Delvore grabbed 2 glizzys at a time and started shoving them down. Delvore was down to the final Glizzy and from the sounds of the announcer he knew the Human was right on his tail. He needed to get this down in one try, but how. Without thinking he grabbed the whole Glizzy and crushed it in his hands, letting the juices flow over the bread and shoved the compacted mass of meat in his throat and swallowed. It seemed to be an eternity before it finally slid down to his stomach.

When he looked up through the tears in his eyes, he saw the rest of the table getting up and leaving, except for the Human who had tried to swallow 3 at the same time and was now choking on them. A guard came on stage and punched him in the gut, sending the 3 glizzys flying into the crowd.

"We have our new Glizzy Guzzling Champion!"

Delvore was temporarily deafened by the cheers of the crowd.

"Never before has a newcomer dared to challenge the finalists, let alone beat them. But we know Fat Man Bob will be coming back with a vengeance next year!"

Shouts of approval came from the people.

"Here are your rewards, as promised." The announcer said.

Before delvore they placed a large purse of 300 gold pieces, and around his neck the announcer hung the medal of the Glizzy Guzzling Champion.

"As stated before folks, Delvore will have 50% off all items in the festival. Now go celebrate and congratulate the new champion and we will see you all next year!" After one final bow, the announcer left the stage as the crowds chants grew once more.

"Delvore, Delvore, Delvore!"

"Well this is going to be bad for business." Delvore thought.

A DND Adventure: The Bard FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now