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There are those who come to the festival out of curiosity and a genuine want to enjoy what it has to offer. Serana made her way among the tents looking for any sort of entertainment she could find.

So far, she's had no luck. The only interesting things she had witnessed were drunken festival goers trying to dance with any poor soul who walked too close, a guard breaking the arm of a man who tried to rob the cart he was standing next to, and a runaway barrel of ale that was chasing down 3 Halflings. Being one herself, she could empathize with their plight, but she couldn't stop laughing long enough to help them.

After a few hours of aimless wandering, Serana found herself in the middle of a large open area with various festival games on all sides. She looked around with glee, searching for which game she would try.

To her front, there was a ring toss game. The sign at the front had all the information about the game on it. She went excitedly to the sign and it read:

                  RINGOS RING TOSS
                         2gp to play
    Start with 3 rings. Every ring is a
                     different prize.
                  -1 ring Straw doll
        -2 rings Metal studded gloves
         -3 rings 10gp and healing potion

The game seemed fun enough, but it really wasn't her style. Besides, what would she do with a doll? Those gloves wouldn't really fit her anyways either. She went to the right side and looked through the crowd for what game would attract so many large people. She weaved her way to the front and saw a single table sitting in the middle of the group. 2 men were in the middle of a strength challenge. Their hands were locked together straining to push the others flat on the table. One was an extremely stout Dwarf who's beard was as black as obsidian. His muscled arm flexed and the veins bulged from the effort he put forth against his opponent. On the opposite end of the table with a grimace on their face sat an Elf. Normally if someone were to see an elf, they would see nothing but poised beauty, fair skin, and an aloof expression. This elf however looked disheveled and sweaty, obviously giving the contest his upmost effort. Many voices were heard amongst the crowd giving off handed comments;

"Who's the stronger race? Dwarves or Elves?"

"You're crazy, it's no contest. The Dwarf's little arms will give out soon."

"Little you say? Go say that to his face."

"I disagree, the Elf's puny arms will soon break under the pressure."

"You think Elves are weak huh?"

"No, I just think they're easy to beat!"

Not wanting to wait around for the brawl that was brewing amongst the crowd of people that stood easily twice her height, Serana chose to go inspect another game. Next to the strength contest was another booth similar to the ring toss, but in place of the rings, there were balls. She got closer and saw another sign:

              BARRYS BOTTLE BASH
                         2gp to play
          2 balls 2 shots and 6 bottles
     Knock down 2: ring and stick toy
     Knock down 4: wooden knife
     Knock down 6: 10gp and healing

"Ugh." Serana groaned. "These prizes are for children." She knew the healing potion would be nice, and useful for her line of work, but the other items she could do without. One last game to check.

"I guess a doll wouldn't be all that bad, and I could always sell the gloves." She sighed.

She came upon the last booth and saw a small gathering around the sign. It was much longer than the other games sign and immediately peaked her interest.

A DND Adventure: The Bard FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now