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"Another drink!" Todd called to the barmaid passing by. She did a small curtsie and walked back towards the barrels to fill his order. She came back a few moments later and set his drink down in front of him. He fumbled through his coin purse looking for the silver coins amongst all the gold. He had recently completed a contract worth 200 gold and was spending it the best way he knew how.

"Don't worry about it love, I'll cover you." A woman's voice said behind him.

Todd didn't argue with the woman, "A free drink is the best drink." He thought. He saw a hand reach over and drop a few silvers in the barmaids hand and shoo her away. The hand was a deep red color. Todd knew then that he was dealing with a Tiefling and had his guard up. The barmaid left quickly and began to serve other tables.

"What's a handsome man like you doing sitting all alone? Especially at the Bard Festival." The woman said as she sat down. Todd glanced over and was in shock by what he saw. This Teifling was like none he had seen before. Her skin was a soft red color that spoke of warmth instead of dread with a look of silk. Todd wanted to touch her just to see how soft it really was. Her hair was black with light grey streaks along the sides and cut to her jawline. Todd wasn't much for short hair, but the way it followed the shape of her face made it seem intoxicating. She wore a black leather outfit that seemed fit for an adventurer, yet there was something seductive about the way she left the top string untied on her chest piece. It exposed a small and supple bossom. Her orange eyes followed his and she smirked.

Todd, knowing he was caught, focused on his drink instead. After taking a long swig he cleared his throat and looked to the Teifling again. He wanted to thank her for the drink. As his eyes turned back to her, he choked on his drink and had to cough a few times. Standing behind the Teifling was an Elf woman. He blonde hair fell to her waist and her long red dress formed around her figure in a way that mesmerised every man who walked by. Her hair covered half of her blushing face as she looked away. She seemed to be nervous or shy, but that only added to her beauty. As Todd's eyes roamed over the Elf he saw that she wore her dress similar to the Teifling in that her top buttons were undone and loose. Her bossom, though, was much more supple than her friends. It filled the dress and then some, almost spilling out of the top, and Todd was lost for words.

"You see I've come to the festival this year with a mission." The Teifling continued. "My name is Shoka and this is my friend Yara. Say hello Yara."

"Hello sir, I'm sorry if we are bothering you." Yara said softly.

"No... No of course not. You aren't bothering me at all." Todd stammered.

"Good." Shoka smiled. "As I said I've come here with a mission."

"And what would that be?" Todd asked.

"To find Yara a mate." She said.

Again Todd choked on his drink and had to clear his throat before he could talk again.

"Shoka please don't be so forward about it." Yara said, her face turning another shade of red.

"What do you mean?" Todd asked bewildered.

"Well my good friend here has never been with a man before. My goal is to see her finally satisfied."

"And.... You're asking me......" Todd couldn't get the words out.

"To be the one to satisfy her, yes." Shoka said matter-of-factly.

Todd looked up to Yara who stood like a statue through the entire conversation.

"And you're friend? What are her opinions on your mission?" He asked.

"Oh she's a little stubborn, but she's agreed that it's time and has given me permission to pick the perfect specimen for her." Shoka slid her hand up Todd's arm slowly. "And my what a specimen you are." She dug he nails into his arm as she dragged her hand back down and pulled away.

A DND Adventure: The Bard FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now