Chapter 1

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Merry Christmas!! I had this book planned for while but then.. things happened, and I lost motivation for it, but here it is! The bedrock bros book!

Third Person POV
You couldn't see the tracks being left behind as Tommy trekked through the snow. Where he's going, he doesn't know yet. All he knows is that he betrayed Dream, his only friend, and now he couldn't stay in Logsteadshire.

The frozen tundra was not the place to go, that's for sure. But he had to get away, from dream. Far away from dream.

Tommy finds himself pausing, does he really need to leave Dream? His only friend? He made a mistake and would definitely be punished, but maybe Dream would have mercy on him?

Tommy shakes his head, shaking away the thoughts he knew would be the end of him. He needed to find shelter from this tundra. He could feel the cold slowly consuming his body. Dying by frostbite was not on his to-do list.

Still, Tommy couldn't help but notice the slowing pace he has, or the fact that he was starting to lose feeling in his feet. He tried to continue, just until he could find any kind of warm shelter.

Tommy felt the panic truly set in when the edges of his vision began to darken, the numb feeling spreading to his knees, making it extremely difficult to walk. His knees greet the snow and he feels his whole body fall with them.

It's almost ironic watching the snow fall as he slowly loses consciousness. The snow is free to fall anyway, and when it lands, it lands with other snow around it. Yet Tommy lays here, barely conscious, with no one to help him. Maybe he should've stayed at Logstedshire, it wouldn't have been this bad.

Tommy's last thought is simply; at least the snows around me. This caused him to go unconscious with a small smile on his face.

As techno stares at the ruins of a once great nation, now fallen by his hands again. He wonders if it was worth it, tears starting to flow from his eyes.

Worth the loss it costed him

Technoblade was not having a good day so far. Shaking his head to clear the weird daydream, he focuses on what happened. He almost lost his horse, lost all of his good stuff, and now he owes Dream a favor.

He sighs at that, what would dream make him do with that favor? Dream always has a plan, so what does techno have to do with it?

Techno can't ask Phil for advice either because he's on house arrest for not giving up techno's location. He's too loyal for his own good, even if it's for his friend.

Suddenly techno feels himself trip and stumble, but not fall, he's too good for falling. Looking to see what had tried to make his day worse, he stops. There in the snow, is a body, but not just any body- no it's the body of someone he knows. Tommy.

Techno rushes to act, Tommy was so cold in his arms as he jumps on Carl and guides the horse to his cottage, whipping the leash to make him go quicker. The house wasn't too far, Tommy only needed to walk for a few more minutes and he would've spotted the smoke still coming out of his chimney.

Once at the house, techno quickly secures Carl in his stable and rushes Tommy inside. He lays tommy in the middle of the floor, rushing around to get supplies that will hopefully heal his brother- the kid. Sure, he hasn't been the best friend in the past, but technoblade still cares about him and doesn't want to hurt him more than he already has.

Tommy didn't have any frostbite, luckily, but he was in too fragile of a state to have potions in his system. This leaves techno to play the waiting game and pray to any god that will listen, for Tommy's safe recovery.

He wasn't aware of what could happen waiting for his brother to wake up.

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