Chapter 2

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I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to not post for so long..!
-Question of the week! (Remember these?) Would you have helped techno blowup L'manburg?

Third Person POV
It's been a day since techno came home with an unconscious Tommy. The boy shows no signs of waking up soon, but has a pulse and is breathing, which are the only indicators that he's even alive- other than his muttering.

Even when he's unconscious, he's not silent. Techno has gotten many scares from when Tommy just started screaming, sometimes it's names, but mainly it's screams of pain and fear.

Dream hurt him
Dream caused this
Dream did this to him

Techno sighs as the voices get loud again. They've been trying to tell techno of why Tommy's like this all day. All of them blame Dream for this horrible act. But techno owes that guy, this could cause issues in the future, especially if Dream goes after the kid like Tommy fears.


Techno was in the middle of changing the rags on Tommy's forehead when he hears a knock at the door. He puts the rags down and walks to the door. Looking through the window he sees that it's Ghostbur, and with no reason to be too concerned, he lets the ghost in.

The ghost looked to be in dismay, carrying blue in both hands, blue on his face as if he was whipping tears away with blue. "Tommy's gone", the ghost whispers sadly. This causes techno to pause; Tommy's not gone, he's in the basement.

"What do you mean 'Tommy's gone'", techno inquires, acting dumb until he has more information. Ghostburs not the best at keeping secrets and techno doesn't want to test the voices theory of dream coming after Tommy in such a state.

"Dream came rushing into L'Manberg asking if anyone's seen Tommy and he seemed angry- but that's not important, he said he couldn't find Tommy anywhere and that Tommy's crazy! I went to logstedshire and the entire place was blown up! And Dream said Tommy went mad and destroyed everything- though I don't know if I believe him, Tommy was really sad, not crazy and-", ghostburs tangent was ended by techno reminded him that he's rambling.

"So dream is looking for Tommy, and Tommy's no where to be found?", techno asks, to which Ghostbur nods his head.

"There's an award to anyone who can bring him to dream alive, it's pretty big too. I think dream really wants Tommy back", ghostbur informs techno, but techno barely listened. Dream wants Tommy and Tommy is terrified of him.

Techno knew the deal with Dream was too good to be true, he just wished it didn't have to do with Tommy. But with all this evidence it seems it will have something to do with the boy.

Why does he always have to get into stuff he doesn't want to be in.

Techno sighs, contemplating whether to tell Ghostbur or not about Tommy being in his basement.

It seemed he didn't have a choice when Tommy let out a scream at an inconvenient time. Ghostbur whipped his head to the sound, "was that Tommy? Do you have Tommy?"

Techno sighs again, "no I have an orphan in my basement", technically Tommy was an orphan before Phil adopted him, so techno wasn't lying.

Ghostbur floated into the house, uninvited by techno, and went to where Tommy was. Techno followed, knowing he was found out, and watched as Ghostbur found Tommy in the basement.

Ghostbur let out a gasp at the sight of his brother unconscious on the floor, looking worse then how he left him at logsted. He floated to Tommy, unaware to techno also being in the basement.

"Tommy, oh tommy, you gotta wake up buddy", he said, lightly slapping Tommy's face to wake him up, all Tommy did in response was whimper like a scared puppy.

"Can you tell me what happened in exile?", techno asked from behind Ghostbur. To which Ghostbur paused at, does he mean the vacation he, Tommy, and Dream went on?

"The vacation? Well, me and Tommy made logstedshire, and Dream was really nice to Tommy! But he wasn't always nice, like one time I saw him force Tommy to drop all the stuff he and I worked hard to get into a hole and blow it up! I think that was a daily thing actually.. But other times dream was nice to Tommy, reminding him that they were friends and that he was all Tommy needs.. yet Tommy didn't seem happy about the vacation, I kept telling him to leave but he just said he couldn't", Ghostbur sighed, "he was so sad there".

Techno nods to the information given to him, it kinda sounds like Dream was conditioning Tommy. Like trying to convince Tommy that Dream was a nice guy, but couldn't always be nice. What exactly had Tommy been through since they last saw each other?

In that moment, technoblade promised to protect his brother as much as he could, even if it meant not fulfilling his favor to dream.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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