Chapter 1

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June 1st

It was the morning of Dalton's first offical day of summer vacation. He just finished his junior year and hes relieved to be done with work for three months. He slowly crawled out of bed and examined his self in the mirror. His shaggy blonde hair was sticking up in various places on his head. His white t-shirt was wrinkled and covered in stains. His basketball shorts were sagging a bit too much for his liking. He slowly pulled up his pants and flatened out his hair. He shrugged his shoulders as if not completely satisfied and turned to exit his bedroom. He walked down the wood staircase into the kitchen where he found his mother preparing breakfast. He quickly kissed his mother on the cheek and grabbed a plate from the cabinet.

He and his mother have always been close. He never knew his father and at times the two of them were having large financial issues. Dalton's mother did not have a stable job so they traveled from state to state trying to find more work. His mother has a bachelors degree in law but had no luck in the field. Not until they moved to Miami Flordia at the end of Dalton's eighth grade year. She quickly found a stable job and good finally provide fully for Dalton. They bought a house, much too large for the two of them, right on the beach.

They would go to the beach everyday and Dalton's mother would make friends with those passing by. She was always very friendly and others always enjoyed her company. Dalton on the other hand was ever so different. Dalton was shy and reserved. He was never outgoing until he became really comfortable with someone. He was too afraid of being judged or disliked for who he really was. He enjoyed having a good time but he was too afraid to branch out. During their first few weeks in Miami, Dalton had no luck at making friends. Others would approach him and introduce themselves but he just smiled and waved. He wanted to properly introduce himself but he was too shy. He never made a real connection with anyone until he met Megan. Megan was a skinny, 5'5, brunette volleyball player. She was the "popular" girl. Everyone liked her. She never failed at making friends.  

It was the middle of December, a week before winter break, when Megan entered his History class. He was astonished at how beautiful she was. The way her long brown hair flowed down her back and swayed from side to side as she walked. How had he never noticed her before? Megan had just transferred into his class, she was unhappy with the teacher in her passed class so she dropped it. She kindly introduced herself to the teacher. The teacher then turned and introduced her to the class.

"Everyone, this is Megan. Shes joining our class" The teacher said

A couple of Megan's friends smiled and waved. They were delighted to see her, obviously. She smiled and waved back at them.

"Megan, theres an empty seat next to Dalton." The teacher said pointing to him

Megan slowly walked and sat down next to Dalton.

"Hi! I'm Megan" she smiled at him. Like with everyone else Dalton just smiled and nodded. "Cat got your tongue?" She asked.

"I'm allergic to cats" He replied.

She laughed "Your funny." Dalton smiled to himself. He was proud of his human interaction. Even if it was minimal.

The teacher then went on to explain the project they will be working on over winter break. They will be working in pairs with the person next to them. Dalton was happy to be working with Megan.

They worked productivly through the whole class but they still werent near finished. "we should meet up during break and finish this" Megan said. They exchanged phone numbers and off they went to their next class.

Megan and Dalton spent several days working on their project. Eventually Dalton realized he liked Megan. They eventually started dating. They were the couple everyone was jealous of. Dalton made ton of friends. He came out of his shell and was no longer shy. But all good things do come to an end. It was six months into their relationship when Dalton found out. Megan had been cheating on him with her ex. He quickly ended it and retreated to his old shy self. He lost all his friends and all this belief in love. He was heartbroken and trusted no one.

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