Chapter 3

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The sun was starting to set and Niall and Dalton were still chatting away. The wind was picking up indicating a storm was coming. Dalton was starting to get a bit chilly but he didnt want to go home or move for that matter. He was having too much fun talking to Niall. Just as they were getting into their conversation on musical prefernces, Daltons phone went off. His ringtone was Rock Me by One Direction. 

"Nice ringtone" Niall said laughing a bit.

Dalton went bright red as he answered, "Hello?"

"Where are you?" HIs mother said sternly into the phone.

"Fuck! sorry mom. I met someone at the beach and i kind lost track of time"

"who'd you meet?" Her voice softened at the fact that  Dalton had met someone. 

"Niall Horan" Dalton's mother gasped loud enough that Niall could hear. He burst into laughter.

"You kidding"

"no mom not really" Dalton laughed along with Niall

"Why dont you invite him to dinner then!"

"Sure. Niall, you wanna come to dinner with us?" 

"Sure mate!" Niall responded excitedly

"We'll meet you there in 15" Dalton said hanging up the phone

"your mom was a little shocked huh?" Niall asked

"You could say that. Come on lets get going" Dalton stood up and collected his things. He showed Niall the way to his house. "Make yourself at home, im going to go and get changed." Dalton ran upstairs to his bedroom to find a suitable outfit. He pulled out a pair of Jeans and a red t-shirt. He pulled on his vans and walked into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. He got so caught up in talking to Niall that he forgot to come home and take a shower. He fixed his hair and put on some colonge. 

"this will do" He said to himself. He ran downstairs to meet Niall. "ready to go?" He asked. NIall nodded.

Dalton led him out the door and started walking down the side walk to the pier. Every now and then as they were walking their hands would brush together. When it happened Dalton felt weird. It would send tingles through his body. After a few times and pushed his hands into his pockets to avoid it from happening anymore. He hadnt have that happened to him in a long time. And with someone he just met? I'm just overreacting he said to himself. It doesnt mean anything. 

They walked into the resturant and found Dalton's mother already sitting at a booth. The both slid in next to eachother. 

"Hey mom, sorry were late" Dalton said leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, princess here took a little too much time in the bathroom" Niall chuckled. Daltons mother laughed right along with him as Dalton turned bright red. "So, whats good here?" Niall asked

"The lobster tail is fantastic" Dalton replied. He set his hand down on the booth and it brushed against Nialls. He held his breath as the tingles filled his body. He looked at Niall and he didnt budge.

"I think ill go with that" Niall looked at him and smiled. Their eyes locked. Dalton couldnt look away. He felt Niall's big blue eyes looking into his soul. He was mezmerized. Their trance was broken by the waiter. Niall immediatly looked down at his menu. He felt something that time. Dalton could feel it. Dalton ordered for He and Niall. Lobstertail. Dalton's mother ordered Shrimp.

"i wanna see your face when you take your first bite of your food" Dalton said to Niall as the waiter brought their plates.

"alright" Niall cut into the lobster tail and took a rather large piece on his fork. He looked at Dalton and smiled before putting it in his mouth. He chewed for a few seconds before his eyes lit but and he screamed "BLOODY HELL! THIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC!"

Dalton and his mother bursted out in laughter. "I TOLD YOU!" Dalton screamed back at him. 

The three ate their meals in laughter and smiles. Nialls phone rang. "My apologizes" He answered the phone and was having a very heated conversation with the person on the other line. Niall hung up in frustration.

"whats wrong?" Dalton's mother asked.

"The hotel made a mistake and booked my room to another person. I'm currently homeless"

"you can stay with us" Dalton intervined

"yeah why not?" Dalton's mother agreed

Nialls face lit up with the offer, "Oh thank you!"

"anytime" Dalton smiled at him. Niall turned and hugged Dalton. Dalton was paralyzed in his arms. He barely had the strength to hug him back. HIs body was filled with a warm feeling and the tingles were so much stronger. Niall's smell was intoxicating. He didnt want to let go. 

"Shall we go pay?" Daltons mother asked. Niall pulled away and nodded. Dalton was disappointed and somewhat angered with his mother for causing the hug to end to quickly. He slowly scootched out of the booth and followed the others to the front of the resturant,

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