Fighting Spirit

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"What's up Hayley," Ethan asked as the rangers walked into HQ, "Where's Dr. O?"

"Yeah," Kira agreed, "Not that we'd be able to see him if he was here."

"He's on the shoulder press machine," Alexander said lazily, flashbacks of when he played hide-and-seek with his Aunt Rose danced behind his eyes.

"Hey, guys," Tommy's voice sounded from that very machine, the weights moving up and down, seemingly on their own.

"I'll never get used to that," Kira remarked.

"Hey, Dr. O., no offense, but what's the point of building your biceps if nobody's gonna see them," Conner asked.

The weights clanged down, "Well, that's the reason why I called you here. Hayley found a way to bring me back to normal."

"What are we waiting for," Ethan asked, "Let's do it!"

Hayley walked through the rangers, "Hold on everybody. Tommy, I told you, I think the remolecularizer may make you visible again, but I haven't found a power source strong enough for it."

"I've been thinking about it," Tommy mused, picking up a small container, "Maybe we should use this."

The redhead opened the box, a small, black gem resting in the bottom, "No way. Forget it."

"We gotta try something," Tommy reiterated, "My Dino Gem is the most powerful source of energy we have."

"Powerful being the operative word," Hayley and Alexander said together.

The redhead continued, "I have no idea how you're body will react to it, it's way too risky. Look at what happened to Alex last time."

"Hayley, we don't have a choice," Tommy said stubbornly.

She sighed, knowing that his mind was made up.

Olivers were so stubborn.

Tiny Timeskip:

"Okay, Hayley, I'm ready," Tommy's voice sounded from the lab table.

"For the record, I still think this is a bad idea," Hayley voiced.

"And for the record, I agree with Hayley," Kira added.

"Don't worry," Tommy reassured, "I'll be fine."

The rangers and the redhead all exchanged a look.

"His choice," Alexander growled, "Gonna be stupid, better be tough."

"See you soon, Dr. O., "Ethan said awkwardly, "Literally, I hope."

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